God doesn't want me to live in fear': Special Rosh HaShana message

Son of film star Robert Rietti - Rabbi Jonathan Rietti: "This is not the anniversary of the creation of man. It's the anniversary of the creation man's mind, his ability to make a choice. 

“And what's the choice? To choose to see God, or to see the world that He created and the events that unfold in front of our faces and think they have a power of their own….

“God calls himself again ‘I am El Shadai,’ I am the power of enough. ‘Go forth and multiply’; go out and have children. Don't be afraid to populate my world. This is God's world view.”

"Comes along Amalek and in the manifestation of today's UN and those behind it and who are implementing all the various crazy mandates, the essential underlying message is: this planet is not able to sustain a growing population and therefore needs to be reduced, and the attack on us is on all levels, promoting abortion. That's an attack against God, because that's basically saying life has no sanctity and people can make decisions about who's called alive and who's not. 

"Promoting transgender operations for young children and adolescents, horrific. These are irreversible operations that will render these people unable to bring children into the world. That's an attack against God. Consider euthanasia, homosexual behavior, consider assisted suicide, consider cremation. 

"All these are direct attacks against the sanctity of the human being, who on the sixth day of creation is the starting point of the day of judgment for each year. 

“Each year we are being judged, and in an ironic way, it's us who's doing the judging. Because how does God make a judgment on us and collectively all mankind? And the answer is: based on our behavior, based on our thinking, what we say, what we do. So essentially, who's really in control over here?” 

[Erratum: the incoming year is 5783, not 5784 as stated - ed.]