Get US Out! Of the UN' - Birchers not surprised UN personnel participated in rape, massacre in Israel

Ending international welfare payments
One Western nation after another has cut off their taxpayer funded donations to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) following the revelation that the UN agency's teachers and others on their payroll were part of the invading force of terrorists that carried out the October 7th massacre and mass rape in Israel.
Get US Out!
Many Americans, having heard positive descriptions of the United Nations (UN) on their nightly news, may have been taken by surprise by the participation of UN workers in the massacre just as many were initially shocked by the 1960s campaign, to “Get US Out! Of the UN,” conducted by the John Birch Society, a non-partisan group founded, “to safeguard the Constitution.”
Ever since, though, the Society and their periodical, The New American, have been documenting UN atrocities and Society Officer G. Edward Griffin published a book entitled, “The Fearful Master; A second look at the United Nations,” making reference to George Washington's description of government:
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a
fearful master.
Beware the "Fearful Master"
The report sparking the defunding of UNRWA detailed some of the UN agency's atrocities:
[O]ne UNRWA school counselor from Khan Younis in southern Gaza is “accused of working with his son to abduct a woman from Israel.”
Furthermore, “a social worker from Nuseirat, in central Gaza, is accused of helping to bring the body of a dead Israeli soldier to Gaza, as well as distributing ammunition and coordinating vehicles on the day of the attack,” the report added.
A third employee was “described as taking part in the massacre at a kibbutz where 97 people died” — apparently Kibbutz Be’eri, one of the worst ravaged on October 7 in the Hamas-led onslaught. [Emphases added.]
These are not isolated cases. Thousands of Hamas terrorists are on the UN payroll, freeing up the terror group's funds to be used on more weapons, training, and tunnel building as the West itself provides the funds for the effort to defeat the West:
[A]bout 10% of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s 12,000 workers in Gaza have ties to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Wall Street Journal said. Among all of the agency’s workers, nearly half — or around 6,000 — have close kin in the militant organizations, which have ruled Gaza since 2007
[N]early a fourth — of UNRWA’s male employees had connections to [Hamas] . . .
[F]ormer UNRWA union chief Suhail al-Hindi had been elected to a senior role in Hamas . . . [Emphases added.]
A tale of two refugee peoples
The story of this UN involvement with Israel began with two sets of refugees, one today totally assimilated without any claims to refugee status and without UN assistance, the other not only retaining refugee status but growing ten-fold in size.
As a result of the failed Arab war with Israel in 1948, two refugee populations emerged.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Arab countries were forced to flee persecution, including deadly pogroms. Age-old Jewish communities practically vanished overnight.
Those Jews [left behind generations of family savings behind and] either made their way to Israel which was struggling to build a new society while facing constant security threats and a weak economy, or found new homes elsewhere in Western countries . . .
Palestinians were the other refugee population. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes as a result of the Arab-launched war — some encouraged to leave temporarily by Arab leaders, some fearful of being caught up in the violence, some driven out by Israeli military advances.
The UNRWA is particularly controversial as it works not to resettle Gazan and other refugees but to keep them listed as refugees:
After the Israeli victory, the UN established the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which became operational in 1950.
That same year, the UN created the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to protect and resettle millions of refugees worldwide in the aftermath of World War II . . .
While UNHCR has a mandate to help find new homes for the refugees within its jurisdiction, UNRWA explicitly does not. That means UNRWA is authorized to provide basic social services, from education to health care, but not seek resettlement for its caseload or even encourage self-sufficiency. Instead, they tend to become permanent dependents of the international community.
So, 74 years after its start, there are still UNRWA refugee camps, including, strikingly, in Palestinian-ruled areas, such as Gaza. Think about the absurdity of Palestinian refugee camps in a territory from which Israel withdrew in 2005, and which has been governed exclusively by Hamas since 2007.
The UN agency even adds to the list the great-grand children born decades after their ancestors were listed as refugees, unlike any other refugee group:
UNRWA gives refugee status to descendants of the original Palestinian refugees, without any statute of limitations. That’s why a figure of hundreds of thousands in 1950, which should have declined over time, has instead ballooned to approximately six million today, almost a tenfold increase in just over 70 years . . .
Israel has shown the world extensive evidence of UNRWA complicity — textbooks and classrooms that propagate incitement against Israel and Jews, facilities linked to the vast Hamas terror infrastructure, and personnel directly and indirectly in cahoots with Hamas.
Bear in mind that Hamas is listed by the United States and European Union as a foreign terrorist organization, and its explicit goal, expressed in its charter and by its spokesmen, is the annihilation of Israel. [Emphases added.]
Thus, while young, male economic migrants are encouraged to enter Western nations for a higher standard of living, women and children in an actual war zone are told by the UN, with State Department backing, to stay put if they are in Gaza.
Blue helmet rapists
The New American's senior editor Alex Newman reported in 2017 that the then 2,000 recorded accusations of rape and sexual abuse of women and children by UN “peacekeepers,” wearing blue helmets, was “just the tip of a massive iceberg of horror” perpetrated by the global body:
The United Nations is out of control. In April, for instance, the world learned that there have been thousands of accusations against United Nations “peacekeeping” troops over the last decade alleging rape and sexual abuse of women and children. Uncovered through an investigation by the Associated Press, the 2,000 accusations — almost none of which resulted in anyone being punished — are just the tip of a massive iceberg of horror, the fruits of an evil organization run by evil forces. The overwhelming majority of the UN’s victims never report the savage crimes, either because they do not know how, or because they fear that the men with guns and blue UN helmets will return and hurt them yet again.
Worse, the UN, seemingly as a matter of policy, covered up the abuse and went after whistleblowers:
The UN’s well-known and relentless persecution of whistleblowers who expose the crimes of the UN and its leaders, meanwhile, plays a key role in keeping most of the atrocities perpetrated by the UN under wraps. Now, as The New American reported recently in a series of exclusive online articles, two UN bosses are literally trying to have journalists jailed for their factual reporting. [Emphases added.]
Check back as we report atrocities by employees of another UN agency - those supposedly providing healthcare - WHO staff.
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