German health minister admits 'mistakes' as excess mortality in Germany 36% above normal

The news of mortality in Germany at 36% above normal, and birth rates 10% below normal, becomes too hard to hide. The never-before-wrong, multiple-degreed health expert and German health minister Karl Lauterbach admits that “mistakes were made.”


He does not admit that closing schools was a mistake. He does not admit that force-vaccinating Germans with unproven, deadly vaccines causing 36% excess mortality was a mistake. TIt gets worse from here. Who does Lauterbach blame for this?

That’s right, he blames nameless “scientists”:


The anonymous scientists gave poor Karl bad advice, which is why “mistakes were made.”

But who is Karl Lauterbach? He IS a scientist, educated at Harvard, the University of Dusseldorf, and more!


Lauterbach studied human medicine at the RWTH Aachen University, University of Texas at San Antonio and University of Düsseldorf, where he graduated. From 1989 to 1992, he studied health policy and management as well as epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, graduating with a Doctor of Science in 1992.[3] From 1992 to 1993, he held a fellowship at the Harvard Medical School, sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which is close to the CDU. Lauterbach was a CDU member for several years before joining the SPD in 2001.[5]

For a Harvard-trained epidemiologist and health policy expert, blaming other “experts” is a little disingenuous.

It is Difficult to Ask for Forgiveness, Karl says

In the above quote, Karl said it is “difficult to ask for forgiveness” since he blames other “scientists” and does not even admit to his crime of poisoning young Germans with Covid vaccines and causing excess deaths.

But would Karl deserve forgiveness if he mustered the courage to ask for it?

Does asking for forgiveness require honest admission of fault instead of blaming nameless “other scientists”

P.S turns out that Eugyppius also wrote about this 20 minutes ago:

eugyppius: a plague chronicle

Lauterbach in 2020: "Schools drive the pandemic, the research is clear." Lauterbach in 2023: The belief that many infections occur in schools and day-care centres “did not prove to be correct"

Chief German pandemic botherer and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach in November 2020: Here’s a good, topical summary on the question of whether schools are driving the second wave, whether they’re sites of superspreading, what the research shows. Dr. Zoe Hyde, an expert on Covid in children, says the research is clear, schools cause clusters of infec…

Read more


This article was originally published in Igor’s Newsletter.  It is reposted here with permission.