French protests erupt over possible election fraud

Protests have erupted across France after incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to win the presidential election against Marine Le Pen Monday. According to the media, 58.5% of the vote went to Macron while just 41.5% went to Le Pen, whom the mainstream media have referred to as “far-right”. 

But many Le Pen supporters say the election was rigged and that most voted against Macron, who masked children and enforced vaccine passports in response to COVID-19. 

One video circulating on social media shows a man opening multiple unopened ballot cards, which include one for Macron and one for Le Pen. Every Le Pen ballot card is shown to have a small tear on the bottom, which would disqualify it when processed through the voting machines. Every Macron ballot card is complete and unblemished. 

The race was expected to be close, even according to corporate media, but ended with Macron winning by a significant 17-point lead. 

Now, French protestors are challenging the results of what many see as a rigged election, taking to the streets of Lyon, Paris, Rennes and Nattes. French police have been assaulting the protesters with tear gas and clashes, with videos showing police units charging into protesting crowds.

In one instance, police opened fire on a vehicle that had stopped, though some claim the driver began to drive again against police’s orders. The driver and front passenger were killed, with another injured. 

People have also taken to social media to protest what is seen as a stolen election, “I see the WEF stole another election in France today,” wrote Olympic gold medalist Theo Flury. 

Others suggested the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose extreme globalist agenda Macron supports, is involved. 

“France wants globalism, more lockdowns and freedoms taken away then, how very sad,” tweeted Rebel News Lewis Brackpool. “The WEF, the corporate media class and the champagne 'liberals' will be most pleased."

“My condolences go out to the people of France today,” said entrepreneur Matt Gubba. “Imagine waking up this morning knowing you have another 5 years living under the tyrannical WEF puppet Macron.”