Freedom moves West: Patriots gear up for Defeat the Mandates rally in L.A.

In January, thousands flocked to the Lincoln Memorial to protest COVID-19 mandates in a rally known as Defeat the Mandates – An American Homecoming. It was attended by some of the world's top medical experts such as Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, who have been vilified by the mainstream media for their opposition to Biden’s harsh COVID-19 regulations. The rally also featured popular figures like journalist Lara Logan, JP Sears and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

On April 10th, 2022, Defeat the Mandates will be coming to Los Angeles, California. 

Many thousands of people are expected to attend the rally in one of the most Left-wing cities in the country. 

While many of the mandates have been lifted in some states, such as California, the fight has not yet been won for freedom seekers. 

“Thankfully some mandates are dropping across the country, but there are still vaccine mandates that persist in schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and corporations,” says the Defeat the Mandates site. “Restrictions on doctors who treat COVID, censorship by Big Tech, the unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination of children, silencing of scientific debate, and the extension of the Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1st for the coronavirus pandemic are a few of the main concerns.” 

The site also notes that there are still “aggressive” COVID-19-related bills under consideration by the California State Assembly, including one that would allow children 12-17 to get vaccinated without parental consent. 

“Starting at 12 noon we will hold a day-long rally in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park where a wide range of featured guests including prominent doctors, recording artists, actors, journalists and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.” 

The event has at least 16 sponsors and partners, including Children’s Health Defense and ICAN. 

The rally’s promotional video was tweeted by The Mandalorian actress Gina Carano, who was fired from Disney last year for her conservative views. 

Defeat the Mandates was also promoted by Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving, who has been the focus of much media attention for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. 

Big names are again expected to attend, including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Firefighters for Freedom, and Del Bigtree, among many others.