Free elections are an ‘illusion,’ says top election analyst

There have been no free and fair elections since 2012, election analyst Dr. Robert Epstein said Wednesday.

Google: A ‘deceptive’ tech giant funded by US intelligence

Epstein, a behavioral scientist and internet analyst, is known for his findings on election meddling by tech giants. Since 2012, Epstein has been warning about Google’s influence in US elections, saying the company has a “fundamentally deceptive business model.” His experiments have led to discoveries about Google’s use of its search engine and search suggestion algorithms to determine the outcome of elections. 

In his 2019 testimony before the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Epstein said that “democracy as originally conceived cannot survive Big Tech as currently empowered.” His research has mainly focused on Google, which was originally funded by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and the US intelligence community.

2012 election interference

On Wednesday, Epstein revealed to podcaster Joe Rogan that Google once claimed responsibility for delivering half of Barack Obama’s winning votes in 2012.

“We are finding overwhelming evidence that they are very deliberately and systematically messing with us and our elections, especially,” Epstein said. “I personally believe that as of 2012 the free and fair election, at least at the national level, has not existed. It’s just been manipulated since 2012. I say this in part because I met one of the people on Google’s tech team — on Obama’s Tech Team, I should say — which was being run by Eric Schmidt, head of Google at the time.”

“I talked to him at great length about what the tech team was doing. They had full access to all of Google’s shenanigans, all those manipulations and one member of that team, asked by a reporter, how many of the four points by which Obama won, how many of those points did he get from the tech team? And the guy said . . . two of the points came from us. Now Obama won by 5 million votes, roughly, and two out of four points came from the tech team — that’s two and a half million votes.”

2016 election interference

The scientist also told Rogan that if not for Google’s election meddling, President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would have tied for the popular vote in 2016, which ended up going to Cilnton.

“By 2016 I had calculated that Google could shift — and it would be toward Hillary Clinton of course, whom I supported at the time — that Google could shift between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes to Hillary Clinton in that election with no one knowing,” Epstein said. “She won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes. If you take Google out of that election the popular vote would have been tied. Couple days after that election everyone — all the leaders in Google get up on stage . . . and they’re talking to all of Google’s 100,000 employees and one by one they’re going up to the mic and saying, ‘We are never going to let that happen again.'”

2020 election interference

The 2020 election was also fixed by Google, the professor continued. If not for Google, Trump would have won 11 out of 13 swing states instead of five.

This control over American politics by a tech oligarchy was actually predicted by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, according to Epstein.

“So going forward from roughly 2012 I think the free and fair election has been an illusion, an illusion,” he continued. “And this is something — it’s very weird and kind of ironic, but this is something that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in that last speech of his farewell speech he warned about the rise of the military-industrial complex, everyone’s heard about that.”

“But he also warned about the rise of a technological elite that could someday control public policy without anyone knowing. And the technological elite are now in control. That’s what we have. That’s where I get back to my ranting and my pain because I realize no one is paying attention! Eisenhower said we have to be alert or this will happen.”