Famous author: ‘There are no trans kids’

Harry Potter author JK Rowling recently made waves by suggesting there is no such thing as transgender children.
“There are no trans kids. No child is ‘born in the wrong body,'” she wrote on X in response to a user who accused her of having a “hateful focus on trans kids.” “There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined.”
In another post responding to a user who blamed parents for allowing children to become transgender, Rowling said this is not always the case.
“Kids are watching TikTok videos of surgeons selling the idea that bodies can be modified like Lego. Schools affirm kids’ trans identities behind parents’ backs. A certain kids’ charity in the UK sent out breast binders to pubescent girls without parental consent.”
“Many parents are struggling to protect kids from a Zeitgeist telling them that anxieties about puberty, sexuality and growing up can be fixed by lifelong reliance on Big Pharma and by doctors who make Frankenstein look ethical,” she added.
Rapid-onset gender dysphoria
Rowling received support from America’s Frontline Doctors Founder and President Dr. Simone Gold, who cited evidence that gender dysphoric children naturally outgrow their dysphoria as much as 98% of the time.
Most children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, however, actually suffer from rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Unlike gender dysphoria, ROGD is not a byproduct of adolescent anxiety but the result of a social contagion. It happens when children are induced into gender dysphoria, either by propaganda or abusive adults.
Transpredator doctors are perpetuating ROGD by devoting little to no time to evaluating children before diagnosing them with gender dysphoria. Child psychologists at Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS), a gender youth clinic operated by Boston Children’s Hospital, have cut assessment times from 20 hours to two over recent years. GeMS psychologist Dr. Kerry McGregor said two hours is plenty of time to evaluate whether a child should receive puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, which cause irreversible sterility and castration.
Other doctors, like Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, have been known to skip psychological evaluations altogether. Dr. Olson-Kennedy heads the Center for Transyouth at Los Angeles Children’s Hospital and is considered one of the foremost authorities on gender medicine. One of her former patients, now 20, says she was a 12-year-old vulnerable child when the physician started her on puberty blockers. Kaya Clementine Breen had come to the hospital with a range of mental health conditions, some genetic and some stemming from sexual abuse. Olson-Kennedy had her diagnosed with gender dysphoria during her first visit with Breen without conducting a mental health evaluation and without an assessment from a child psychologist.
“Instead, she was fast-tracked onto the conveyor belt of irreversibly damaging puberty blockers (age 12), cross-sex hormones (age 13), and ‘gender-affirming’ surgery (age 14),” reads Breen’s lawsuit against Olson-Kennedy, which accuses the transpredator and her colleagues of medical negligence.
"I agree with Rowling that there is no such thing as a transgender child," said Dr. Gold. "Kids are either pushed into transgenderism through rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or they develop gender dysphoria on their own and naturally outgrow it. If a child is medically mutilated into becoming 'transgender,' it is because of abusive adults."
Dr. Gold added that she and Rowling are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, which demonstrates that medical mutilation is not a political issue.