Even mainstream media pushing back on new Ministry of Truth

Even corporate media outlets appear concerned about the Biden administration’s new Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), which will exist under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

The creation of the DGB came as a shock to many who see ominous implications in a law enforcement body being tasked with deciding the truth. The DGB has been compared to the Soviet Union’s KGB and derisively referred to as the “Ministry of Truth”, a reference to George Orwell's dystopian society in his novel, “1984”. 

Another criticism of the DGB is who has been tasked to run it. As reported by Frontline News, Nina Jankowicz, who “shudders” at the thought of free speech social media platforms, has not only proven unable to spot disinformation, but has even sowed her own. 

Now, even mainstream media outlets, who have recently criticized Elon Musk’s free speech vision for social media, appear troubled at the idea of a Ministry of Truth. 

Speaking on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, anchor Dana Bash questioned DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the DGB. 

“Republicans are calling it ‘Orwellian’ and comparing it to the Ministry of Truth in the novel ‘1984,’” Bash said of the board. “Can you clarify what exactly is this? What exactly will this disinformation governance board do? Will it monitor American citizens?” 

“Dana, I’m very pleased to do so,” said Mayorkas. “It’s clear, I mean, those criticisms are precisely the opposite of what this small working group within the Department of Homeland Security will do. And I think we probably could have done a better job of communicating what it does and does not do. The fact is that disinformation that creates a threat to the security of the homeland is our responsibility to address. And this department has been addressing it for years.” 

“Will American citizens be monitored?” Bash asked. 

“No,” Mayorkas replied. 

“Guarantee that?” Bash pressed. 

“So what we do, we in the Department of Homeland Security don’t monitor American citizens,” Mayorkas answered.

“You don’t, but will this change that?” Bash pushed harder. 

“No, no, the board does not have any operational capability,” Mayorkas said again. 

“Would you be okay if Donald Trump were president, if he created this Disinformation Governance Board or if it is in place in 2024, that he’s in charge of such a thing?” Bash challenged. 

Mayorkas avoided the question, saying, “I believe this working group that gathers together best practices, makes sure our work is coordinated, consistent with those best practices, that we’re safeguarding the right of free speech, that we’re safeguarding civil liberties. I think it’s an extraordinarily important endeavor.” 

In another interview Sunday with Fox News, Brett Baier pressed Mayorkas to justify Jankowicz’s involvement given that she saw Russian disinformation where there wasn’t. 

“The president’s pick to lead this is Nina Jankowicz. She’s taking heat for tweets and comments about major news stories — the Hunter Biden laptop, others. The laptop story, obviously, was blocked from social media outlets because it was called Russian propaganda until it wasn’t. Do you really think that Jankowicz is anywhere near objective enough for this particular job?” Baier asked. 

“Yes I do, and by the way, highly regarded as a subject matter expert and I don’t question her objectivity,” Mayorkas replied. “There are people in the department who have a diverse range of views and they are incredibly dedicated to mission. We are not the opinion police. She has testified before Congress a number of times. She is recognized is a tremendous authority and we are very fortunate to have her.”