Energy secretary denies high gas prices are ‘transition’ to green energy, still pushes transition

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Tuesday denied reports that the Biden administration is intentionally causing gas prices to soar in order to pressure Americans into buying electric cars. 

Many have pointed out that Biden’s energy policies, which intentionally blocked domestic oil production, seem intentionally designed to raise gas prices.  

On his first day in office, Biden shut down the Keystone XL oil pipeline and began levying heavy restrictions on domestic oil producers. While the U.S. was still purchasing over 600,000 barrels a day from Russia, Biden ended that too by banning Russian oil, coal and liquified natural gas. 

When gas prices jumped to record highs, the Biden administration told Americans to buy electric cars. And indeed, a November report showed that over two-thirds of Americans would consider switching to an electric vehicle if gas prices continue to rise. 

Last month, legislation was introduced that would grant Biden emergency powers to force the private sector to manufacture clean energy products. 

The fact that the current White House occupant is all-in for the World Economic Forum’s globalist environmental agenda only adds precious fuel to the fire. 

As reported by Frontline News, Joe Biden appeared to unwittingly reveal Monday that skyrocketing gas prices are part of a “transition” to a world with less fossil fuels, a theory that was discarded as conspiracy until now.  

“And when it comes to the gas prices,” Biden said in response to a reporter in Tokyo, “we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”   

But on Tuesday, Energy Secretary Granholm denied that the sky-high gas prices are intended to force a transition to an environmental agenda. 

“That is absolutely false,” Granholm said in response to a reporter. She claimed that the Biden administration understands that the country is not ready to transition yet, and is working to increase supply “today, to bring prices down, [and] to stabilize supply and demand.” 

However, in the same press conference, Granholm said that surging gas prices are an “exclamation point” that Americans need to transition to renewable energy. 

In November, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) was already calling out the Biden administration for hiking gas prices. 

“Most notably, more and more people tell me that they’re not even able to fill their pickup truck tank up for the entire week,” Cotton said in a Breitbart interview. “They’ve got to fill up half a tank and hope that the price comes down by the end of the week. That, in particular, is the intended effect of Joe Biden’s energy policy. It’s not unintended or some accident. They want gas to cost $4 a gallon because they want all of us to get out of pickup trucks and SUVs and get into small electric compacts or bicycles or scooters or whatever else Pete Buttigieg takes to work.”