Dutch leader 'would applaud massive voluntary relocation' of Gazans

Geert Wilders, who finished first in Holland's November election, has doubled down on his call to relocate the Arab populations of both Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

Dutch Donald Trump

Wilders, known locally as the “Dutch Donald Trump,” has long called for a “massive voluntary relocation” to Jordan of the Arab populations of Gaza (ruled by Hamas) and Judea and Samaria (ruled by the PLO). 

Changing [Jordan's] name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland . . . I always said that relocation should be voluntary not compulsory. But I would applaud a massive voluntary relocation indeed.

Wilders chose Jordan because the majority of Jordan's population already considers itself Palestinian and the Arabs of Judea and Samaria were actually Jordanian citizens up until Jordan tried to invade Israel in 1967 and wound up retreating to the eastern side of the River Jordan. One netizen alluded to this in a post saying that the correct term for a mass migration of those Arabs to Jordan is “repatriation.”

Interestingly, the former king of Jordan agreed, stating “Jordan is Palestine.”

Another netizen responded to Wilders by noting that the flags of Jordan and the PLO are nearly identical. 

Notably, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) adopted the flag design in 1964, when Jordan ruled Judea and Samaria and Egypt ruled Gaza. The “Palestinian” land it intended to “liberate” was Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beer Sheva and other parts of pre-1967 Israel.

Not alone

Wilders is joined by former National Security Advisor Ambassador John Bolton. As covered by Frontline News, Bolton wrote an op-ed for The Hill and is appearing on talk shows advocating the mass relocation of Gazans for their own benefit, to give them a "viable" future and stop other nations from exploiting them as "weaponized" refugees. 

Israel Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel, too, is calling for the resettlement of Gazans from within the ruling coalition:

[Gaza] is a place devoid of hope, stolen by the genocidal terrorists of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups. This situation has already led to a large exodus of youths from Gaza. It has been estimated that since Hamas violently took over the Strip in 2007, between 250,000 and 350,000 mostly young adults have left Gaza to make a new life abroad. . . . 

ANOTHER OPTION is to promote the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in Gaza, for humanitarian reasons, outside of the Strip. It is important that those who seek a life elsewhere be provided with that opportunity. 

Gamliel believes that the plan is realistic, as some world leaders, in addition to Wilders, are already inviting Gazans to their countries:

Some world leaders are already discussing a worldwide refugee resettlement scheme and saying they would welcome Gazans to their countries. This could be supported by many nations around the world, especially those that claim to be friends of the Palestinians.

Do you love Gazans more than you hate Israelis?

According to Gamliel, those truly concerned with the welfare of Gazans, and not merely with harming Israel, will seize this opportunity, when Gaza is war torn and a huge percentage of its housing is damaged, to allow Gazans to seek a brighter tomorrow. This would be a departure from the current UN policy of keeping Gazans in Gaza.

This is an opportunity for those who say they support the Palestinian people to show these are not just empty words.The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the global UN body that deals with refugees, is mandated by its Statute and the UN General Assembly Resolutions to undertake resettlement as one of its three durable solutions. 

Unfortunately, however, for the last 75 years, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a refugee body that privileges Palestinians over every other refugee population, has done zero to help the Palestinian people, even though it has an annual budget of well over $1 billion. [Emphases added].

Check back for our coverage of past population transfers that led to peace and see our previous Middle East coverage:

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