Dutch court requires Bill Gates to defend himself against claims of 'misleading public on safe & effective' COVID shots

Bill Gates sued
Enthusiasm among Trump and RFK Jr. supporters for calling Bill Gates to account is strong. During a speech two weeks ago, RFK Jr. stoked that enthusiasm with the claim that Gates has been “indicted” for lying about the Covid shots.
Bill Gates has been indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the Covid vaccine.
Massive cheering.
And he’s going to have to go to trial.
Kennedy’s choice of words was imprecise, as Gates has not actually been indicted. What has happened is that seven Dutch people have sued not just Gates but a whole roster of people, including Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, for allegedly misleading them regarding the Covid shots. Since this is a civil claim, Gates has not been indicted of any crime but he is one of the defendants in a case that is being heard in the Netherlands.
Who else would 'really like to speak to Bill Gates directly'?
The seven plaintiffs, whose names have not been released, have all suffered physically and mentally following receipt of Covid shots. One has passed away. Another, previously healthy, has become so ill that she has lost the ability to speak. During a hearing held on September 18, when the plaintiffs delivered statements, she was represented by her father who told the judge that he “would really like to speak to Bill Gates directly” to ask him what happened to his daughter.
According to Dutch journalist Erica Krikke, “After [he said] that, the judge was really quiet.”
Also being sued aside from Gates and Bourla are Mark Rutte, the country’s former prime minister and now NATO Secretary-General; Hugo de Jonge, a former government minister; and several members of the Netherlands’ Outbreak Management Team which advised the government on how to combat the “pandemic.”
Tricked to further an agenda
The plaintiffs accuse them of “deliberately misleading them in an unlawful manner and thereby inducing them to have Covid-19 injections administered of which [the defendants] knew, or at least should have known, that these injections were not safe and effective.”
They also claim that “these Covid-19 injections were never intended to protect [the plaintiffs] from a venomous virus,” and that the real intention was to further The Great Reset, which they have described as:
... all factors that determine human life [being] made the subject of forced change by the WEF and the UN. Characteristic of this political ideology is that this forced and planned change is presented as justified by pretending that the world is suffering from major crises that can only be solved by centralized, hard global intervention.
Even top lawyers and Fact Checks couldn't protect him
The plaintiffs are demanding damages for both mental and physical injuries. Although money and not prison time is at stake, Gates has protested being summoned to account, disputing the court’s right to hear civil claims against him, as he is not a resident of the Netherlands, and demanding that the plaintiffs bear his costs.
To represent him, Gates hired lawyers from the Pels Rijcken firm, based in The Hague, which is allegedly the “largest and premier litigation law firm in the Netherlands.” Nonetheless, the court in its ruling concluded that it did have jurisdiction to hear claims against Gates and ordered him to pay legal costs amounting to 1,404 Euros (around $1,520) for forcing the plaintiffs to litigate the matter.
The Public Health Communications Collaborative (PHCC), which was formed in 2020 "to coordinate and amplify public health messaging on COVID-19 and increase Americans' confidence in guidance from the [CDC] and state and local public health officials," described the indictment claim as a hoax without mentioning the existence of the civil case at all:
A conspiracy theory is circulating in multiple languages across social media platforms that Bill Gates will face trial in the Netherlands over his claims about COVID-19 vaccine safety ... The hoax story about Bill Gates being indicted for lying about COVID-19 vaccine safety is designed to create hesitancy.
And this much was reported by Reuters in their Fact Check, which set out to debunk Kennedy’s claim that Gates had been “indicted”:
A Dutch court ruling that it has jurisdiction to hear civil claims against Bill Gates regarding COVID vaccines has been mischaracterized on social media as Gates having been “indicted” in the Netherlands.
Reuters pointed to social media posts such as one on Facebook which stated: “Bill Gates indicted and ordered to stand trial in the Netherlands for misleading the public about Covid19 vaccines.”
Reuters did, however, tacitly admit that Gates was part of “a group” that included Rutte, Bourla, and others, and that his inclusion among them was the reason why the court could summon him along with them.
Reuters made no comment on the content of the allegations against Gates and the other defendants, but their article did provide a link to the court ruling in which the main arguments of the plaintiffs are outlined.
WEF + Gavi + Gates Foundation = ?
Under a heading, “The facts,” the court ruling begins by stating:
Gates is a wealthy American, who has partly invested his assets in a foundation under American law, called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... This foundation aims to combat poverty, disease, and inequality worldwide.
The ruling then adds that the Gates Foundation is “affiliated with ‘Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’ ... [and] with the World Economic Forum (WEF), an international organization whose statutory objective is to unite ‘leaders from business, governments, academic, and society at large into a global community committed to improving the state of the world.’”
Setting the scene at the start of the Covid era, the ruling continues by describing how “the Dutch government implemented various measures in the Netherlands in the course of 2020 and 2021 that it said were aimed at combating the coronavirus, including a mandatory face mask requirement and a vaccination program against Covid-19.”
Although a number of vaccines were available in the Netherlands, there appears to have been a preference for the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA shot and, currently, this is the only “vaccine” product available in the country for those seeking a booster (or first-time injection). At no time were Covid shots mandatory in the Netherlands, but uptake was nonetheless very high,and well over 80 percent of the population had at least two shots.
Nothing more urgent than a COVID vaccine
With regard to Gates, the ruling mentions two YouTube videos, one of him addressing an audience, another of him being interviewed by NBC. In the first video, Gates explains how vaccines are supposed to work, stressing that the development of an effective vaccine against Covid-19 is “urgent”:
The most urgent invention in the world right now is a vaccine that prevents you from getting Covid-19.
The video dates back to April, 2020, before any vaccines had been tested, and so it was not known at that point that the shots would not prove effective against contracting Covid. Nor did anyone know of the side-effects that would result from the use of mRNA shots that tell the body to pump out massive quantities of spike proteins.
What is clear from Gates' words is that he presented Covid as an exceptionally great threat to civilization, so much so that inventing an effective vaccine was more important than literally anything else. Today, however, it is known that Covid was only a serious threat to those who had other grave conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes). The court will have to decide whether Gates could have and did know that when he made the video.
Question: What does '90% effective' really mean?
The second video was recorded later, shortly after the phase 3 clinical trial results from Pfizer and Moderna were released. The title of the segment is: “It looks like almost all the vaccines are going to succeed” and certainly Gates was extremely enthusiastic about the progress made.
Gates was asked by the NBC interviewer to comment on the so-called efficacy rate of the shots:
When you saw that 90 percent-plus effective [sic.] rate, did your jaw drop?
Gates responded:
That was phenomenal. That was absolutely at the high end of expectations.
Most viewers likely also thought 90%-plus efficacy was phenomenal. Gates did not explain exactly what 90% efficacy actually means, however — although as someone with his background, he probably did know. Was he required to explain?
In fact, concerns have been raised over the years regarding the way the trial results were presented to the general public, which by and large does not have a good understanding of the statistics used by Big Pharma. In fact, several US states recently sued Pfizer on precisely this point. As far back as July, 2021, researchers were already sounding the alarm on how the statistics were being misunderstood.
Answer: Only 1% of people know
A study published that summer reported on how several thousand people responded to being told that a vaccine had “90 percent efficacy” and discovered that the vast majority of regular people without relevant specialized knowledge completely misinterpreted that statement.
In surveys the researchers conducted, they found that only 1 percent of respondents correctly described what 90 percent efficacy meant. 77 percent of respondents assumed that it meant that 90 percent of vaccinated people would not get the illness. When given multiple choice answers and told to pick one, just 3 percent picked the correct answer.
What is the right answer?
The right answer is that 90 percent-plus efficacy means:
The percentage of individuals who do develop Covid-19 among those not vaccinated minus the percentage of individuals who do develop Covid-19 among those vaccinated, divided by the former percentage
If you didn't know that, you're in good company.
The “phenomenal” efficacy of the Pfizer and Moderna shots was actually calculated based on:
(Moderna): 11 Covid-19 cases out of 15,210 vaccinated people vs. 185 Covid-19 cases out of 15,210 non-vaccinated people
(Pfizer): 8 Covid-19 cases out of 18,198 vaccinated people vs. 162 Covid-19 cases out of 18,325 non-vaccinated people
And even top medical journals got it wrong...
Given that Covid was frequently presented as the “most urgent” problem to address in the entire world, many people naturally assumed that their chances of catching the disease were quite high. After all, use of the word “pandemic” strongly suggests that the disease is literally everywhere.
What mainstream media didn’t tell people was that although Covid was widespread, the shots’ clinical trials still showed that the chances of catching it and developing symptoms (as the trials only investigated obvious cases) were only around 1 in 100.
Another important piece of information that mainstream media also somehow left out of its reporting was that the real-world difference in probability of getting a symptomatic case of Covid with or without the vaccine was just 0.85 percent (as quoted by Texas Attorney-General Ken Paxton in his suit against Pfizer).
The study highlighted confusing reporting from mainstream media sites such as ABC News, Reuters,and Vox, quoting Reuters as writing:
If a vaccine has an efficacy of, say, 80%, it means that if 100 people who have not previously been infected by the coronavirus are given the vaccine, on average 80 of them will not get the disease that the virus causes: COVID-19.
However, not only “layperson” media sites got it wrong. So did medical journals such as The Lancet, in which an editorial stated:
The rationale is that ... 95% of people are protected from disease after two doses (as determined in the phase 3 trial of the PfizerBioNTech vaccine)…
No major side effects!
Gates and his codefendants may argue that even though some people may have misinterpreted the information given on efficacy, since regulatory authorities such as the FDA still approved the shots as effective, they were justified in relying on such claims.
But what about “safe”? Did the governmentof the Netherlands, plus Albert Bourla and Bill Gates, fail to warn people of dangers they knew were present?
In the case of Gates, the YouTube videos mentioned include no claims about safety other than that the shots don’t cause Covid. However, in Gates’ speeches and writings for both Gavi and the WEF, he makes very broad safety claims for the shots.
To take one example, an article on the Gavi website titled “How safe are Covid-19 vaccines?” the Gates affiliated organization claims:
Covid-19 vaccines may have been developed at record speed, but not at the expense of safety...
Human trials are designed to spot significant adverse reactions. To date, no major side effects have been reported in any of the approved vaccines.
Any possible risks that may exist are considerably lower than those associated with Covid-19 infection, and are vastly outweighed by the benefits of protecting people and preventing the virus from spreading.
In fact, many major side effects were observed and recorded in the human trials of the Covid shots. This Gavi webpage appears not to have been updated to reflect the information that is publicly available.
And no need to worry about myocarditis
Going into more detail, Gavi appears somewhat vague regarding at least one serious adverse reaction, myocarditis:
Although the side-effects – myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart – sound worrying, most cases have been mild with symptoms such as chest pain or changes in heart rhythm and don’t last long.
While that may be true, it is also true that many myocarditis cases resulted in hospitalization and that "sudden death" is often linked to the shots' effect on the heart.
Gavi also cites estimates provided by the CDC of a “maximum of 70 cases of myocarditis out of a million second doses given to boys ages 12 to 17,” and adds that “the vaccine would prevent 5,700 infections, 215 hospitalizations,and 2 deaths.”
The 70 cases per million was vastly underestimated, though. The real figures for that age group were often found in studies to be at least double that and often far higher. Secondly, comparing that age band to “215 hospitalizations and 2 deaths” in the general public of all ages is extremely misleading. Comparing the vaccine's adverse events to adverse events following a positive Covid test would tell a different story. In fact, at least one country-wide study has shown that not a single person under the age of 50 without a significant underlying health issue died due to Covid-19. The risk of Covid-19-related death for unvaccinated boys aged 12 to 17 was therefore zero.
Gavi also quotes a cardiologist who said: “It’s going to be manifold more common to get heart muscle inflammation from getting COVID than you would from getting a vaccine, even in young men.” This too turned out to be false. Gavi appears not to have updated its webpage since posting this misinformation.
Just what is The Great Reset?
The seven plaintiffs also claim that Gates and others are all involved in The Great Reset Project, an effort which is no secret and provides the title for a book by WEF founder Klaus Schwab — Covid-19: The Great Reset. The plaintiffs assert that Covid is not genuinely dangerous and that it was only presented as a “venomous threat” in order to coerce people into obeying draconian regulations and "reset" society.
Gates denies that there is a worldwide cabal intent on deceiving people regarding the Covid shots, as the ruling states:
... the court in the main proceedings will first have to assess whether, as [plaintiffs’] claim and Gates disputed, a worldwide group of persons, legal entities and other entities exists that, in the context of the implementation of a project called Covid 19: The Great Reset, have misled people into taking Covid-19 injections, while they knew or should have known that these injections were not safe and effective.
However, Gates has made numerous statements in support of “reorganizing” the world “in order to prevent a future pandemic” and makes no secret of his belief that governments are “woefully unprepared” for what the future holds.
In 2019, for instance, the WEF, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and John Hopkins University, held Event 201, described as a “high-level pandemic exercise”:
“The purpose of this exercise was to identify critical gaps in global pandemic preparedness. One key recommendation developed in this context was that governments should engage in public-private partnerships with traditional and social media organizations in order to acquire “the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. (…) For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.
According to the WEF, Gates has been pushing for a “better system” to deal with pandemics since at least 2015.
One small step for justice
The next hearing in the case, which Gates may or may not choose to attend, is scheduled for November 27, this year. Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst told The Defender:
In general, COVID-19 court cases have been very unsuccessful in the Netherlands. There is a slim chance it will be successful.
She added:
I think most judges support the COVID-19 vaccination agenda and will find it hard to believe the vaccinations have caused injuries. So, we have a long way to go, regardless of the case.
Journalist Erica Krikke put a more positive spin on things. According to her, the Dutch court broadcast a clear message:
Even if you’re rich and your name is Bill Gates, you still have to go to court.
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