DoD locks computer access for Navy officer who exposed health data

The Department of Defense (DoD) last week blocked Lieutenant Ted Macie from accessing his computer at work, his wife Mara disclosed Thursday.

Lt. Macie is an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps who also serves as a health administrator and medical recruiter. He recently revealed data from the DoD showing an alarming surge in cardiac events among military pilots since the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced.

Incidents of heart failure, for example, have jumped 973%. Cardiomyopathy has increased 152%, as have incidents of ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), hypertensive disease (36%), and other forms of heart disease (63%).

Two days after these numbers were publishedLt. Macie was returning to his desk from a break when he noticed that he was locked out of his computer, his wife said in a video published to X. Mara told The Gateway Pundit that the order to block her husband’s access came from the commanding officer. 

When asked about the “sudden” surge in cardiac events, the DoD tried to blame the virus.

“The responses to our concerns from the DoD have been memorandums, letters. As in a letter displaying how they confirmed the data but said it was due to the COVID-19 virus, even though all the issues start in 2021,” Lt. Macie said.

Sudden cardiac events have also been increasing among civilian pilots who fly commercial aircraft. Like military aviators, commercial pilots were also coerced to take the vaccines. But the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has yet to investigate a link between pilots and COVID mRNA injections, though it denies there is one. 

In July Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gilbert Cisneros Jr. confirmed data leaked by a military whistleblower earlier this year showing there were 275 myocarditis cases among service members in 2021. This represented a 151% jump from the annual 5 year average for 2016–2020.

Then, too, Cisneros tried to claim the cases were largely due to COVID-19 infection, despite a study showing no myocarditis incidents among COVID-19 patients. The DoD has also refused to acknowledge the vaccine’s role in cardiac events despite an MIT study showing a 25% increase in cardiac events directly correlated to the vaccine.

Other whistleblowers alleged last year that the DoD has been withholding information about increases in deaths and other illnesses since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. Those data include a 2,081% increase in high blood pressure, a 948% increase in nervous system diseases, a 387% increase in breast cancer and a 372% increase in female infertility.   

The claims further alleged that the DoD actively removed cases of myocarditis from its medical database. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanding a response to the accusations. 

A military spokesman tried to claim that there was a system glitch which affected the years up to 2021 but not 2021 itself. 

In a court hearing last year over the vaccine mandate, Army surgeon Lt. Col. Theresa Long testified she was being inundated with reports of vaccine injuries, “predominantly pilots, and pilots have to meet one of the highest fitness standards.”