Disabled NFL star issues cryptic warning about pharmaceuticals

Miami Dolphins cornerback Byron Jones Saturday suggested he can no longer play in the NFL after injuries sustained by unnamed pharmaceuticals administered by the league. The 30-year-old athlete urged NFL players to consult doctors about long-term implications before taking injections or pills.

Jones wrote his remarks above a 2015 tweet from the NFL calling the football star “Mr. Broad Jump”. 

“Much has changed in 8 years,” wrote Jones. “Today I can’t run or jump because of my injuries sustained playing this game. DO NOT take the pills they give you. DO NOT take the injections they give you. If you absolutely must, consult an outside doctor to learn the long-term implications.”

Since his induction into the NFL in 2015, Jones has suffered an ankle sprain and a groin sprain. Last year, he had surgery on his leg, which by itself was reportedly not enough to keep him from playing, but Jones nevertheless remained in rehab.

“It was an honor and privilege to play in the NFL but it came at a regrettable cost I did not foresee. In my opinion, no amount of professional success or financial gain is worth avoidable chronic pain and disabilities. Godspeed to the draft class of 2023.”

Jones pointedly did not specify which injections or pills he was given that would cause “chronic pain and disabilities”.

The professional athlete’s warning comes as medical rights activists push for NFL players to be screened for injuries sustained from the COVID-19 injections.

In a letter sent to the National Football League Player Association (NFLPA) this month, medical rights group Health Freedom Defense Fund called on the labor union to begin screening athletes for myocarditis or pericarditis resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines.

The letter follows a string of cardiac events involving former and current NFL players in recent months with so far no explanation given by establishment doctors. The most recent incident occurred in early January when twenty-four-year-old NFL player Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field mid-game from a sudden cardiac arrest. 

The federal government and mainstream news outlets have been trying to shut down suggestions that Hamlin’s cardiac event may have been caused by the COVID-19 shots even though the injections have been shown to correlate to cardiac events, particularly in athletes. Dr. Paul Offit, considered America’s top vaccine expert, stated in January that the COVID injections can cause pericarditis, inflammation of the heart’s outer lining, and myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle. The federal government has reluctantly admitted to the vaccine’s relationship to pericarditis and myocarditis, describing the effect as “rare”.

Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) Founder and President Leslie Manookian began the letter to the NFLPA by praising the association for its “forward-thinking” concussion protocols to help protect players against brain injury. The NFLPA reviews the protocols each year and modifies them according to new data or developments.

The letter then called the NFLPA’s attention to the recent fatal injuries suffered by NFL players. In the last four months, eight former or current NFL players have suffered sudden cardiac events or blood clots, with most dying “unexpectedly”. These players include Uche Nwaneri, Chris Baker, Max Mitchell, Brad William Henke, Adrian Dingle, and Jessie Lemonier (cause of death unknown).

“These tragic events signal a need for the NFLPA to visit another possible health concern that has recently been documented in the scientific literature. Such health concerns could have potential immediate and long-term ramifications for the health and well-being of NFL players,” wrote Manookian.

The freedom activist then cited several studies showing or suggesting a link between the COVID-19 injections and cardiac events. They also included a large-scale study which found that myocarditis and pericarditis are not linked to COVID-19 itself, as vaccine messianists are wont to claim.

In addition, the letter noted that “although certain health officials have downplayed the dangers of myocarditis, up until its identification as a side effect from COVID-19 injections, the condition had always been considered extremely serious.”

“As such, we are requesting that NFLPA commence a testing and screening program to determine whether players have been adversely affected by the injections and to develop a set of functional medical protocols and treatments in order to address and heal any deleterious effects of the vaccines. In addition, NFLPA should implement a program for long-term surveillance of treatments and recovery,” continued Manookian, offering to recommend physicians to advise on the initiative.

However, the medical rights group cautioned the NFLPA against allowing the NFL to participate in the program. The NFL is a contributing member of the COVID-19 Community Corps, a government-led federation of groups and companies that pledged to boost the Biden administration’s vaccine propaganda campaign. The corps' stated goal, noted the letter, is “to increase vaccine uptake, including in underserved populations”. Given this, the NFL would be unlikely to be impartial in its participation of the program.

“We also respectfully request that the NFLPA call for the suspension of NFL player COVID-19 vaccine mandates until possible subclinical cardiac issues can be assessed,” HFDF added.

An investigation found that in 2021 alone, 183 FIFA athletes suddenly collapsed — a five fold increase over previous years — leaving 108 dead. In most cases, the cause of the collapse was heart-related, including myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, or cardiac arrest, with the second most prevalent cause being clotting events.