Deadly disorder linked to COVID shots and degraded immunity

VAIDS (vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) strikes again 

More evidence that the COVID shots damage our immune systems has been published in the Burns journal, describing a seven-fold increase in incidence of a devastating skin rash which is fatal in many cases.

Steven-Johnson syndrome (SJS)/toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is described in this recent study as a “rare, potentially life threatening mucocutaneous hypersensitivity reaction resulting in desquamation of the skin and mucosa.” While this is sometimes referred to simply as a “rash,” SJS/TEN involves peeling “skin” from both the outer surface of the body as well as inside (both epidermis and mucosa). The syndrome is so serious that patients are treated in burns units because of the extent of body tissue affected — less than ten percent in the case of SJS but over thirty percent for TEN. 

No one knows where this will end

The study begins by noting that the extent of the fallout of COVID is still unknown but is becoming clearer over time:

Medical conditions secondary to COVID are still being defined. As COVID case numbers continue to rise, there too is a rise in conditions once deemed rare...
SJS/TEN is a rare, potentially life threatening mucocutaneous delayed hypersensitivity reaction. It involves desquamation of the epidermis and mucosa. It is often drug related although may be triggered by infections ... The estimated incidence is 1.6 (for SJS) – 9.2 (for TEN) cases per million per year worldwide with a mortality rate of over 40 % in severe cases.

Where does this ‘deadly rash’ come from?

Although SJS/TEN was first observed over a century ago, scientists are still not completely certain why it develops. However, cases have risen in recent decades in association with anti-epileptic drugs such as Lamictal (lamotrigine). The patient insert for Lamictal warns users of “serious skin rashes” although as noted above, this hardly does justice to the severity of the syndrome.

In this recent study, scientists noted a “sharp rise” in the syndromes beyond those associated with Lamictal use, with all those affected having received the COVID shots:

In 2022, our institution saw a sharp rise in SJS/TEN presentations. As a state-wide burns unit and referral center for SJS/TEN, our institution manages two to four cases per year, prior to COVID. In the first six months of 2022 however, we managed fourteen cases. Five of these cases had COVID in the preceding month. Three of the fourteen had a COVID vaccine in the preceding month. All fourteen cases received a COVID vaccine.

COVID as cause

The researchers suggest three different pathways leading to SJS/TEN — one resulting from COVID itself; one from he COVID shots; and the last from a damaged immune system.

With regard to COVID itself, the researchers suggest that the virus’ effect on the body’s T cells can lead to SJS/TEN, claiming that this has been reported with other viruses (but not claiming to have observed COVID actually destroying T cells):

The SARS-COV-2 virus may directly bind to receptors that trigger a T cell mediated response and subsequently SJS/TEN. Many viruses have already been implicated in the development of SJS/TENS including herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus and influenza ...
Five cases of COVID infection preceding SJS/TEN have been reported in the literature. The average time of onset from diagnosis was 3 weeks (range: 1 – 5 weeks). 

COVID shots as cause

With regard to the COVID shots, the study suggests that the “vaccine” could be more directly linked to SJS/TEN than COVID itself. Here the researchers compare the impact of the shots to the impact of “drugs” and not to other vaccines:

The vaccine may directly bind to receptors to trigger SJS/TEN. Many drugs, like viruses, have been implicated as triggers ... This T cell response can also induce the granule mediated pathway ... seen in SJS/TEN.
This response peaks between seven- and 28-days post vaccination. This time peak is consistent with our cases. Eight case reports have been identified in the literature describing SJS/TEN post-COVID vaccine. Four of these cases were associated with mRNA vaccines, three with viral vector vaccines and one with whole virus vaccines. 

Anything could be the cause — if you’ve been rendered hypersensitive

Their final suggestion is that either the COVID virus or the shots (or both) could make people hypersensitive to triggers that would otherwise not result in a life-threatening syndrome such as SJS/TEN. They again note that this has been seen with other conditions such as mononucleosis:

The SARS-COV-2 virus or vaccine may lower the threshold for a drug to trigger SJS/TEN. We posit that the virus or vaccine “primes” the immune system for a drug to cause SJS/TEN, which may not have done so without this “priming”. Infectious mononucleosis caused by EBV has this “priming” effect to induce a drug induced hypersensitivity (DiHS) reaction when an individual is exposed to penicillin. This DiHS manifests as a generalized rash. 

Other studies have suggested that "Stevens–Johnson syndrome is attributed to the body’s inability to detoxify drugs" in general, and that impaired immunity may lead to such hypersensitivity that even relatively innocuous drugs may cause apparently disproportionate side effects. However, the authors of the present study do not draw any conclusions regarding the use of even common drugs, such as antibiotics, for those who have received the COVID shots.

The specific dangers of ‘vaccines’ that don’t immunize

The immune priming described by the study has been observed for decades in relation to a variety of medical interventions, primarily vaccines. In an article from 2012 published in “Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,” the authors describe some of the dangers of immune priming, especially when the vaccine concerned (or other exposure to a pathogen) does not result in full immunity — as is the case with the COVID shots.

By using a theoretical model, we have shown that immune priming alters the likelihood of persistence of a pathogen and has pronounced destabilizing effects on the dynamics of host–pathogen populations... 
In particular, when the proportion of individuals becoming primed rather than infected is high, but this priming does not confer full immunity, the population may be strongly destabilized through the generation of limit cycles... 

Have the shots rendered COVID immortal?

The article describes how immune priming that does not render people immune to the pathogen (e.g. a vaccine or other treatment that allows people to transmit the disease) makes it much harder for societies to recover from an epidemic, especially if the treatment is applied when the disease is already endemic. 

This is exactly what was seen following the mass imposition of the COVID shots.

... we have shown that when a large proportion of hosts are immune-primed following exposure to a pathogen but priming does not result in full immunity, there can be bistability such that the pathogen can remain endemic when R0 < 1. This is owing to the ability of the pathogen to infect primed as well as susceptible hosts.
To invade a disease-free population, the pathogen still requires R0 > 1 to spread quickly enough in the susceptible population to persist. However, if the disease is already endemic, even if the susceptible population is low such that R0 may be less than unity, the pathogen is still able to gain enough infections from primed hosts (albeit at a reduced rate) to persist in the population ... Clearly, this result has important consequences for disease control, because in a system that exhibits immune priming, simply reducing the pathogen R0 to less than unity, may not suffice to eradicate disease. [emphasis added]

‘Doomsday’ prophecies realized in our times

Without the immune priming, the authors stress, the disease would die out far more quickly; with it, the disease will tend to come and go in waves, even when R0 > 1 (that is, even when the disease is not especially infectious):

the length of a disease epidemic may be longer than expected. This ... means that instead of maintaining a stable endemic equilibrium, limit cycles occur where the population undergoes periodic crashes before increasing again.

These results deriving from of a mass COVID shot campaign were predicted early in the pandemic era by esteemed scientists such as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who was ostracized as a “doomsday prophet."

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