CPS kidnapping: Rabbi providing religious vaccine exemptions threatened

The Massachusetts Department of Children & Families this week launched a sudden investigation into the welfare of the children of Rabbi Michoel Green, the head of the Westborough, Massachusetts Jewish community and an outspoken critic of the mRNA injections.
Coincidental timing?
Agents of this Massachusetts version of Child Protective Services (CPS) descended on the rabbi’s home on the eve of the Jewish Rosh Hashanah holiday two weeks ago, as Rabbi Green and his family were preparing to lead his congregation in the solemn prayers for the New Year, which is also referred to as Judgment Day.
Community founders
The “Chabad of Westborough” congregation was established by Rabbi Michoel and his wife Dvora based on the “principle of providing a rich traditional Jewish home that could be enjoyed by everyone in the community.” Rabbi Green, a native of California and an accomplished musician and author, has spent over eighteen years working in Jewish outreach and education, teaching in a wide variety of Jewish day schools servicing families of all backgrounds and denominations, and has authored several prominent books, including "Once upon a Chassid" on Jewish Festivals.
“Rebbetzin” Dvora Green, described as one of the most active local Jewish role models in the Westborough area, likewise has extensive teaching experience in Jewish education spanning from early childhood to the high school level—and includes training and work experience with special needs children. A graduate of Staten Island College and teaching seminaries, she currently directs the Chabad Hebrew School and leads numerous classes and study groups at the Chabad Center, “and of course, raises her family.”
Rabbi Green publishes a substack in which he expresses the biblical view on politics, including a number of pieces critical of government policy, particularly “vaccine” mandates. He also has a Rabbi’s blog which includes a form letter for people to “fire” their doctor if they claim the mRNA shots to be safe and effective. The rabbi has also submitted guest columns for Frontline News on the creeping tyranny of the medical police state and has testified before the Connecticut General Assembly on constitutional abuses in COVID policy, concluding with this quote sometimes attributed to Benjamin Franklin:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb showing up to contest the vote.
The rabbi even put out entertaining parodies of Dr. Suess, such as this Hebrew language one in which the mRNA jabs are substituted for Green Eggs and Ham.
Rabbi Green faced the same Big Tech censorship as other COVID policy critics but, as an emissary of the international Chabad-Lubavitch outreach movement, he also faced internal “big corporate” type pressure, to which he never bowed. This earned him the distinction of being disavowed by the Chabad movement’s corporate bureaucracy. While being removed from their publicity materials, the rabbi continued his full schedule of religious teaching and ritual, as a grassroots based congregation.
Requesting help
Rabbi Green published this video describing the “shocking” and “baseless” actions of CPS which made him feel like he was forcibly sent on a time travel to the darker times:
[CPS] has singled me out for persecution, harassment and utterly baseless accusations and they are currently attempting to kidnap my children and seize them as property of the state. It feels surreal as though we are living in Stalinist Russia or the Spanish Inquisition …
These insolent and Godless tyrants threatened to seize my dear children and rip them away from their loving home right at the onset of the joyous holiday of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] ….
Due to my vocal opposition of medical tyranny I am being punished by the most vicious tentacle of medical tyranny - the so-called Department of Children and Families - and we've been subjected to ruthless and lawless intimidation based on calumnious charges that have no basis in reality. I've tirelessly defended religious freedom and parental autonomy for all children and families here in our Commonwealth. They are well aware that I have written thousands of religious exemptions and I've assisted tens of thousands of of families with religious exemption, hundreds in the Commonwealth alone and they seek to exact revenge on me by unleashing this degenerate and illegitimate agency that sees itself as above the law.”
The rabbi and his family can be supported by placing calls to Linda Spears, the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families, at her publicly listed phone (617-748-2000; 8:45 am - 5:00 p.m., M-F) and fax (617-261-7435) numbers and email address (DCFCommissioner@state.ma.us) and by contacting Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker's Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005, (888) 870-7770; Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; online email submission.
What does CPS say?
Frontline News sent the below set of inquiries to Massachusetts Department of Children & Families Commissioner Spears at her public email address. As of press time, Commissioner Spears and her staff at the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families Social Services have not yet responded.
Dear Ms. Spears,
We are reporting on your office’s investigation into the family of Rabbi Michoel Green, the head of the Westborough, Massachusetts Jewish community and a known critic of mRNA injections.
We request that you share with us any comments you would like to make about this case and that you specifically answer these questions:
Political targeting
- Was or is your agency aware of the political or medical beliefs of Rabbi Green?
- What safeguards or protocol does your agency have in place to ensure that parents are not targeted for investigation by your agency for their political opinions?
- Was the agent who initiated the investigation aware of Rabbi Green’s activism against the mRNA injections, such as his provision of many religious vaccine exemptions?
- Is it your policy that parents endanger their children by disagreeing with government policy?
- Is it your policy that parents should be referred to mental health services if they disagree with government policy?
- In light of the fact that children are much more likely to die or be abused in state care than in parental care, what safeguards do you have in place to monitor whether children are safer in state, adoptive or foster care than with their biological parents from whom they have been removed. [The online Know Your Family Rights Handbook created this table comparing abuse by biological parents with that by foster parents from statistics gathered by The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN)]:

Conflict of Interest
- How much money will your agency receive if one or more of Rabbis Green’s children are permanently placed in foster care, put up for adoption or otherwise removed from their parent’s custody?
- What percentage of the budget of your agency is funded by payments that are only made on a per-child adoption/foster care basis?
- How many employees at your agency or hospital would be laid off or see their salaries reduced if each of the children investigated by your office were left in their parents’ custody?
- How much of the funds received by your agency or hospital would be matching funds from the federal government for foster care or adoption? [The 2022 figures for federal funding of foster care ($5,8 billion) and adoption ($3,7 billion) are not broken down on a per-child basis, although an $85,000 per-child adoption figure (in addition to State “bonuses”) was provided by Oregon prosecutor Robert Weidner in 2008].
- How much money is your agency now receiving in one-time or regular payments for children who were previously removed from parental care?
- What safeguards do you have in place to prevent foster families from creating a conflict of interest by giving monetary or non-monetary gifts to your agency’s employees, or otherwise having what the late Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer described as an “inappropriate relationship with a caseworker?”
Evidence of abuse?
- Is there any evidence, in the medical or school records of the children of Rabbi Michoel Green, or elsewhere, of abuse, endangerment or neglect?
Future action
- Does your agency plan to remove the children of Rabbi Michoel Green from their parents’ custody? If so, on what grounds will you oppose parental custody?
We're planning on including your comments, so if there are any alternative versions of the events, responses, or context we should note, our deadline is 9:00 a.m. Eastern time. Thanks for any information you can share.
More about CPS
Please see our previous articles on medical kidnapping:
- Kansas City hospital blinds child with drug that parents opposed
- Medical Kidnapping: How even ideal parents lose their children
- Medical Kidnapping: Legal analysis of Baby Cyrus seizure
- Baby Cyrus returned to parents after Frontline News inquiry to CPS
- Medical Kidnapping? Breast milk-dependent infant deteriorates in state custody