Could an ATM hold your money hostage if you aren't vaccinated?

X user Sudden and Unexpected tweeted about an odd type of drive up ATM in operation in Charlottesville, Virginia for UVA Community Credit Union members. The tweet features a video of the ATM made by a University of Virginia couple in an apparent attempt at warning the public of what they believe is the reason for this unusual money machine. The man reviewed some of the ATM's features that are unusual and concerning and the woman in the background could be heard yelling "Warn everyone."
The video by Hat's Truth featured on its telegram channel, was picked up by Ethan Huff whose post about it was carried on Natural News. While Huff states that there is no proof that the couple is correct, if the man's descriptions of the features are accurate, it is hard to imagine any other purpose for them other than what he surmised.
License plate and microchip scanners?
He highlights a long green bar on the side of the machine from which the vehicle enters and assumes this bar will scan your license plate. He also notes two unusual features on the front of the machine — what appears to be an ID card scan slot (other than for your bank card) which he expects will be for a vaccination card and another spot where you hold up your palm, that he believes is for a microchip to be scanned, since it's not positioned to detect fingerprints. These, he says, will all be ways that a machine can check on your vaccination status [and/or social credit score?] and refuse you money should you be delinquent in having yourself duly injected or if you fail to maintain a sufficient social credit score. As Huff states in his article,
You will notice that the entire video bears the words "beast banking system getting ready" as its descriptor, the idea being that this new ATM at UVA is designed to accommodate the eventual rollout of an entirely new financial system.
Fortunately, people like this couple are alert to what self-appointed globalists may be preparing for the plebeians in their vision of a New World Order and are sounding the alarm. Another example of an increasingly aware public is this billboard message put up on a major South African highway, seen in the tweet by Uriel Cohen below, reminding people that the Nuremberg Code require informed consent.
And, in case a reminder is needed about the lengths to which people who listened to mainstream media went to protect themselves during COVID, Vaccine Casualty tweeted the video collage below.