Comedienne passes out while bragging about being vaccinated

A viral video shows Heather McDonald, an actress and comedienne, performing a stand-up comedy show in Tempe, Arizona over the weekend. McDonald began bragging about being vaccinated. 

“I don’t mean to brag, I don’t care, but I want you to know that: booster, flu shot, and – I'm gonna be honest – I have the shingle shot too. And I still get my period! WHAAAAT!” said the 52-year-old comedian to accompanying laughter. 

“Traveled, went to Mexico twice, did shows, meet-and-greets, never got COVID,” she added. “Clearly, Jesus loves me the most. Seriously. So nice. So nice.” 

At that point, McDonald staggered briefly and then collapsed on stage, landing sprawled on her back. The audience reacted with raucous laughter, thinking it was part of the show. 

McDonald was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she was treated for a fractured skull. Neither she nor the doctors were able to determine why she fainted. 

“I was starting to feel like, dizzy, weird, and I was like, ‘Wow, this better pass soon’, said McDonald. I don't know how I'm gonna power through this hour and 10 minutes of material.’ And that's kind of the last thing I remember.” 

The comedian’s management team confirmed that she did not have alcohol or COVID-19. The physicians at St. Joseph’s ran tests but remain unclear as to the cause of her collapse. 

McDonald had two more shows lined up which had to be cancelled. 

“I didn't do it for publicity, I would not give up two practically sold-out shows with meet and greets, and send people home for publicity,” McDonald said. “I would not hit my head like that. And I definitely wasn't drunk.”   

According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there were 11,173 reports of loss of consciousness resulting from the COVID-19 vaccine, 73,338 reports of dizziness, and 3,128,075 other reports.