Climate alarmists' policies, experimental gene therapies, and draconian gun control laws - the common denominator

A few months ago I wrote an article trying to understand why the globalists are pushing lab grown meat. My answer at the time was – to control the food supply. Henry Kissinger famously said in 1973, “. . . who controls the food supply, controls the people. . .”
Events have a way of overtaking us and our suppositions. Since that article, the globalists are trying to normalize eating insects and even cannibalism. Lab-grown meat is one thing but insects and cannibalism?! The “official” answer is to reduce our carbon emissions.
Here is a tweet from the World Economic Forum (WEF) showing how much more environmentally friendly it is to raise and eat insects.
The New York Times recently published an article with the tag line, “A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another.”
Publishing and marketing books, and producing TV shows and films all cost significant amounts of money. No one does this if there is no interest. So, either there is interest or publishers and producers are being paid to produce propaganda normalizing cannibalism.
Why normalize cannibalism? The ostensible reason is to fight climate change. A few years ago a Swedish scientist said humans should become cannibals to fight climate change because eating human flesh is more 'sustainable' than the meat industry. Admittedly insane, but insane ideas have a way of starting with off-the-rails professors and then finding their way into the mainstream. We see that happening now with the spate of TV shows, novels and movies making cannibalism seem normal.
Does any critical thinker believe that the World Economic Forum and its lackies in governments around the world are pushing eating insects and zero-carbon emission policies because they think a climate catastrophe is imminent? If they truly believed that, they would not be flying around in private jets. If they believed that sea levels are rising at an extremely fast rate and the oceans are about to overtake land in a few years, they would not be purchasing waterfront properties like this one purchased by United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry.
Their dishonesty is transparent. It is critical that we internalize the fact that no one of consequence thinks there will be a climate catastrophe, certainly not a man-made one (unless the globalists manufacture one by controlling the weather as described in this document published by the US Air Force entitled, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”).
It is critical that we internalize the fact that the goal of zero-carbon emissions is unattainable and not good for the planet, certainly not for humanity. Contrary to what the globalists and their green world agenda people would have us believe, carbon is not a pollutant. Carbon is essential for vegetation growth as the late Princeton Prof. Freeman Dyson, scientist extraordinaire said so eloquently in this interview.
Prof. Dyson was far from alone. The Global Warming Petition was signed by more than 31,000 scientists including many Nobel laureates and supported by Professor Frederick Seitz. Seitz (1911 – 2008) was President of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and of Rockefeller University. He received the National Medal of Science, the Compton Award, the Franklin Medal, and numerous other awards, including honorary doctorates from 32 Universities from around the world.
The petition states,
. . . limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
It's clear from this petition that “the science” is not settled and that “scientific consensus” is an oxymoron.
Industrial farming is not perfect, not even close, but the solution is not to destroy the industry. Regenerative farming is one way of making farming more environmentally friendly and more humane.
If the globalists and climate alarmists really thought a climate catastrophe was imminent they would not be focusing on farmers. After all, the most egregious environment polluters are heavy industry, not farmers. To be sure, globalists are not creating policies that would bankrupt large industrial companies. Puzzling.
Puzzling unless we realize that the globalists are not, in fact, implementing climate policies to prevent an imminent climate catastrophe. This is simply the nonsense they are feeding the gullible public. Climate change is an excuse globalists are using for a much more insidious purpose. What purpose? My earlier answer was - to control us. I’ve come to realize, that while true, this answer is incomplete.
The globalists are much more ambitious than just controlling everyone by creating a totalitarian technocracy. Their true plan may be to reduce the world population to make it easier to institute a one world government with them in charge. Globalists have little need for sovereign nations and most of the people who live in those nations. They want to be in control and they want it to be easy to control.
It appears that the result of every policy the globalists are trying to institute to solve crises (real or manufactured) is a reduced population and reduced personal freedoms.
Let us look at three policies being pushed by the globalists: COVID-19 “vaccines”, net zero carbon emissions and gun control.
Since the COVID-19 “vaccines” rollout the world has seen drastically reduced birth rates and significant excess all-cause mortality rates.
Many countries around the world are implementing policies designed to reduce carbon emissions to zero by a specific future date. Many of these policies target the global food supply chain and the global food supply in general.
You want to create a famine? Just burn down several large food and fertilizer plants, instigate a war in Europe's breadbasket, institute lockdowns and insane climate change policies that will destroy agriculture in key food producing countries and voila – famine.
Sri Lanka is a case in point. In April 2021 the Sri Lankan president, to fight climate change, imposed a nationwide ban on fertilizers and pesticides and ordered the country’s 2 million farmers to go organic. The result - the president was forced to flee the country when starving citizens overran the bankrupt government.
In my earlier article I mentioned a spate of fires at food plants, a manufactured fertilizer shortage and the culling of millions of chickens and cattle for dubious reasons.
Since then, globalist governments in the Netherlands, Canada and Ireland have either already instituted or are on the cusp of instituting climate change policies that will destroy those countries’ ability to produce enough food to feed their own people, never mind exporting. Albeit a small country, the Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter on the planet. What would happen to the nations supplied by the Netherlands if their agricultural sector is decimated? The answer is that people would die of starvation.
Finally, gun confiscation has historically been followed by ruthless suppression of the defenseless population. In fact, all of the ten major tyrannical regimes of the twentieth century and beyond confiscated the weapons of the populations they planned to murder or terrorize en masse
So here we are. The globalists want total control over a lot less people. They are implementing plans to reach this goal. These plans include man-made famines, experimental gene therapies billed as “safe and effective” but which in real life are causing excess all-cause mortality and declining birth rates, draconian “gun control” policies and more.
It’s difficult for us regular people to wrap our heads around the evil involved in these plans, but once we get past that, so much becomes clear.