'Choir-boy' scimitar murderer turns out to be Al Qaeda wannabe. Surprised? - Op-ed

Three months ago, three young girls aged six, seven, and nine were slashed to death by a 17-year-old youth armed with a curved blade associated with Middle Eastern culture that is known as a scimitar. The children were attending a dance class in Southport, UK when they were attacked. Almost immediately, the country exploded with outrage and, in an unusual step, UK judicial authorities released the name and family background of the attacker in order, so they claimed, to dispel rumors that he was a recent Syrian immigrant.
The mainstream narrative fastened around the story that Axel Rudakubana was the British-born son of a family of Rwandan Christians; the only picture of him to have been released to the media dates back some eight years and portrays an innocent-looking boy with a peaceful gaze who was, apparently, once a church choir boy.
This week, three months later, the media suddenly released shocking information: Rudakubana was in possession of an Al Qaeda training manual at the time of the attack, and ricin, a deadly biological toxin, was found in his home and was apparently manufactured by the youth himself.
How to draw the troublemakers out of the woodwork
The background to this disturbing story has been murky and perplexing. There are many questions that demand answers; and a prime minister who refuses to take a stand and repeatedly insists that pressuring him to reveal additional information would jeopardize the fair outcome of Rudakubana’s trial, scheduled for January, 2025.
PM Starmer, himself a former Director of Public Prosecutions, has portrayed the choice facing MPs and the general public alike as one of either supporting the police or hampering them in their work. But the question begs an answer: Why did the government wait so long to reveal vital background information on the attacker? Given that the massive protests that erupted in the aftermath of the attack were fueled by a strong perception that the government was covering up, surely persisting in the cover-up was the worst possible course to take if the government wanted peace and quiet restored? In fact, a senior government counter-terrorism adviser made precisely this point, clearly to no avail.
The question, then, becomes: Did the government actually want peace and quiet restored? Perhaps it actually preferred to subtly stoke the fires and then clamp down with an iron fist on those who had dared to oppose it?
A new leader for new times
Another curious feature of this case is that it very nearly played itself out during the watch of the previous UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Sunak had over half a year left in office when he decided, back in May, to call a snap general election on July 4. He shocked almost everyone with his announcement given his party’s dire polling at the time and the strong possibility that the next quarter’s economic figures would give his party a boost. Predictably, the Conservative Party was drummed out of office and Sunak resigned as party leader. His successor will be named within the next few days.
Is it possible that Sunak was privy to information indicating that “something” was coming down the line, and preferred not to be the one to have to deal with it? We will likely never know. What we do know is that the Labour government that took power on July 5 immediately ushered in a blatantly migrant-friendly policy, rebranding illegal immigrants as “irregular migrants.”
Labour knew full well that while it had gained power with around 10 million votes, over 4 million votes had been cast for an anti-migrant party (Reform) that wanted the borders closed. They also knew that what they called “far-right” voices were becoming emboldened, and that a massive patriotic rally had been planned for July 27.
The rally was held — a huge, peaceful march through the streets of central London with tens of thousands of Britons of all colors and faiths, many carrying the UK flag, singing patriotic songs and strengthening one another with their shared love of their country and its culture.
Patriotism vs. Globalism: Which wins?
The rally threatened no one but the “liberal elite,” those who believe in the world as a global monocultural village where national identity has been obliterated and all are “equal.” After all, a UK government official, when challenged to define “far-right views,” responded that they are:
... views that Western civilizations are under threat from “non-native”people and ideas.
There are only two ways to interpret this statement in light of Islamic jihadist ideology which openly seeks the eradication of the West:
- Either Jihad (the “non-native idea”) is not a genuine threat at all to Western civilization, a belief which necessitates an astonishing insistence on sticking one’s head in the sand; or
- Jihad may in fact seem threatening, but the ends justify the means, even as the end-goal is variously defined. In fact, introducing such “non-native ideas” is a good thing, though a few lives have to be lost along the way.
Too bad for all those British people who persist in seeing fundamentalist Islam as not the best thing to import into what were once relatively peaceful isles. As Dominic Cummings, a former chief adviser to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, wrote on X a few days ago,
The murderous system is working as intended ... Don’t like it? “Fascist.”
Cummings was responding to the news that a convicted criminal “could not” be deported from the UK due to European Union human rights laws guaranteeing the “right to a family life” to everyone (including convicted criminals) which applied in this case as the criminal had a young child living in the UK but born out of wedlock and not under the criminal’s custody.
Criminals walk free...
Cumming’s words indicting the “murderous system” are shocking coming from someone who was once enmeshed in the system, but this was not the first time he has used such an expression. Several weeks ago, when the Labour government released thousands of criminals from prison who had served just 40 percent of their sentences, Cummings wrote,
The early release disaster is the opposite of “shocking.” It was predicted years ago and our Idiocracy has done it deliberately. When you see child abusers, killers, and repeat rapists released early, remember: *The system is working as intended.*
Cummings also noted that previous governments, presented with plans to address the country’s lack of prison space, had failed to act. Now, however, the crisis in prison space was more acute as Starmer’s government had to find prison cells for all those convicted of “hate crimes” committed in the aftermath of the Southport massacre.
... while 'hate criminals' languish in jail
One of those convicted and sentenced to two years behind bars was Peter Lynch. Lynch was 61 years old when he began serving his sentence and 61 years old when he died in his cell in what is being called a suicide. His crime was shouting hateful epithets at police outside a hotel housing migrants.
At his trial, the judge admitted that Lynch was not guilty of physical violence but insisted that he “encouraged by [his] conduct others to behave violently.”
The sentence was perfectly in line with what PM Starmer promised as rioting swept the country. (It should be noted that no lives were lost during the riots.) Starmer vowed that the “far-right thugs,” including both those who threw bricks and those who merely shouted at police, “You’re not English anymore,” would “face the full force of the law”:
The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand. Charges will follow and convictions will follow. I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder.
He also vowed that police resources would be boosted to deal with the “far-right” threat:
We must have a policing response that [uses] shared intelligence, wider deployment of facial recognition technology and preventative action, criminal behavior orders to restrict their movements before they can even board a train, in just the same way that we do with football hooligans.
Starmer made no such promise to boost police resources to counter the Jihadist threat.
Ballot vs. Bullet: Which to choose?
Accordingly, British citizens were arrested for social media posts, for merely being at the scene of a riot, and for shouting racist comments. And the entire political establishment united in backing the crackdown. Even the leader of the Reform anti-migrant party, MP Nigel Farage, condemned the protests, saying:
I understand the frustrations and the anger. But I do not support street protest, violence, or thuggery in any way, and that’s why for 30 years I’ve fought elections, because I believe that democracy is the peaceful way to solve problems.
During those 30 years of fighting elections (and only now, this summer, winning a seat in Parliament), the proportion of terrorists and terrorist sympathizers in the UK has vastly increased. Today there are 43,000 Muslims on the MI5 watch-list, 1 percent of the UK’s Muslim population.
Whether or not Rudakubana was on that watch-list may never be revealed. The Al Qaeda manual in his possession included advice on urban warfare and terrorism along with instructions on how to establish cells and what to say in the event of arrest. On the day of his arrest, police hastened to clarify that the motivation for the attack was “unclear” and “not believed to be terror-related.”
Even now, counter-terrorism police are still not treating the Southport massacre as a terrorist incident.
More silent patriotism
Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson, a prominent UK independent journalist and campaigner for the rights of UK citizens over those of hostile elements, has been arrested and sentenced to 18 months behind bars in a maximum security prison for the crime of contempt of court which involved screening a documentary. Robinson produced the documentary film to cover the case of a teenage Syrian immigrant and the disruptive and ultimately destructive impact he had on his school and local community. The film can be viewed on his X page.
The arrest came directly before another patriotic rally which took place on October 26th, called the “Uniting the Kingdom” event. Tens of thousands of people attended, gathering and marching peacefully, listening to speeches, and memorializing Peter Lynch in a moment of silence.
The only arrests made that day in central London were those of counter-protesters, many of whom were brandishing placards produced and distributed by the ultra-left Socialist Workers’ Party.
* The system is working as intended *
The unity and patriotic feeling engendered at the rally at the end of July descended into chaos, protest, and occasionally violence just days later, after the Southport massacre. Now the “far right” have dared to emerge in force on the streets once again, after long weeks during which the most outspoken and perhaps unruly of their number were arrested, browbeaten, and locked away.
We will let Cummings have the last word as he comments with characteristic British irony on the revelations about the Southport murderer:
Who could possibly have predicted that the “mainstream” official sources/media were lying as usual about crime, terrorism, Islam. No. 10 [Downing Street] will have known the truth almost immediately [after] the police did, which will have been almost immediately...
... [meanwhile, establishment figures were] babbling the whole time about “disinformation” and “Islamophobia” from “fascists” like @elonmusk & demanding people be locked up for spreading “disinformation” [when they] ARE THE DISINFORMATION...
*The system is working as intended.*