Canada minister confirms: Vaccine passports paved way for digital ID

A Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) minister in charge of rolling out the government’s digital ID program explained Monday that requiring proof of vaccination set the stage for digital IDs. 

Digital ID is a necessary ingredient of The Great Reset, a globalist agenda set by utopian organization World Economic Forum. The WEF, of which Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a devoted member, has predicated its agenda on “digital ID, digital payments, and data governance." 

Frontline News reported last year that vaccine passports were a stepping stone to digital IDs; since then, governments like Western Australia’s have announced plans to expand vaccine passports into digital IDs. 

Now NL Digital Government Minister Sarah Stoodley has confirmed that vaccine passports made her current digital ID project possible for 2023, claiming that “everyone is comfortable” with providing proof of vaccinations, despite it having been harshly mandated by the government. 

“And she noted that residents now have more experience with the concept, based on use of the NLVaxPass that was employed for proof of vaccination,” reported CBC News Monday. 

“‘They verified their identity on the app, and then they used that going into restaurants and bars and shopping malls,’ Stoodley said. 

"’So that's something that we've seen now everyone is comfortable with.’” 

Stoodley says the digital ID will be optional, though it is unclear for how long. She also compared it to showing a driver’s license for alcohol purchases, saying the digital ID will show even less personal information. Instead, it will display the citizen’s photo and perhaps a green check mark to show that the government validates the ID holder. 

"It's a huge opportunity to protect the privacy of Canadians — you know, reduce fraud," added Stoodley. 

Other countries are pushing for digital identification, though “fraud” is not their justification. 

In November, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin called for a digital health passport which will help governments regulate movement during “the next pandemic". He made the remarks while sitting on a panel at the B20 Summit, the annual elite business conference which this year was held in Bali.  

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly then you can move around,” said the health minister. “So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people 100 percent […] you can still provide some movement of the people.”  

“Indonesia has achieved, G20 country has agreed, this digital certificate using WHO standard, and we will sub it into the next World Health Assembly in Geneva as the revision to international health regulation,” Sadikin boasted before again mentioning “the next pandemic”.  

“Hopefully for the next pandemic, we can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods, and movement of the economy,” Sadikin concluded. 

One of the clues pointing to vaccine passports as merely a precursor to digital IDs can be found in a promotional video by multinational tech giant Thales Group describing its digital ID product. 

Even though the video was uploaded in October 2020, before there was a COVID-19 vaccine, the video begins with a digital wallet reminding its holder about her mandatory vaccination appointment.  

“Let’s have a closer look at what I can do,” says the “digital ID” in the video. “I can help governments to better communicate with citizens. Right now, I’m reminding Lucy of the appointment she needs to schedule for her mandatory vaccination.”   

“Lucy” is then shown using the digital ID to obtain authorization to do daily tasks such as taking an exam, going to the doctor, going to an interview, getting a new passport, paying her taxes, opening a bank account, renting a car and entering a bar.  

In a blog article last year, Thales Group explained how “Covid-19 health passes can open the door to a digital ID revolution.”  

Thales Group, aside from publishing articles supporting the WEF, once employed Georges De Moura as its chief information security officer (CISO). De Moura is currently the Head of Industry Solutions for the World Economic Forum.