Canada issues world’s biggest fine for prescribing ivermectin

A Canadian medical association issued the world’s biggest fine to a doctor last month for prescribing ivermectin to treat COVID-19. 

Dr. Tshipita Kabongo

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan has charged Dr. Tshipita Kabongo with “providing inappropriate patient care related to Covid-19.” According to the list of charges, Dr. Kabongo prescribed ivermectin to patients during the pandemic while he was a family physician at the Integrated Wellness & Health Balance Centre. The association also claimed the doctor ”failed to recommend evidence-informed treatment options” and said his “medical records did not contain appropriate documentation regarding the prescribing of Ivermectin.”

On June 7th, the College suspended Dr. Kabongo for one month and ordered him to pay $44,783.72, the largest fine ever issued for prescribing ivermectin. He will also be required to practice medicine under the supervision of a doctor approved by the Registrar until further notice.

Dr. Kabongo is the latest physician to be targeted by Canadian medical associations for COVID-19 medical care.

Dr. Crystal Luchkiw

In January, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal issued several penalties to Dr. Crystal Luchkiw. The decision came after the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) launched an investigation in 2022 against Dr. Luchkiw, who was accused of prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. The association also believed Dr. Luchkiw was providing medical exemptions for masks and the COVID-19 vaccine.

When the CPSO demanded Dr. Luchkiw hand over her patients’ medical records, however, the physician refused. She alleged that the association was overstepping its authority by investigating infectious disease protocols, which she said could only be done by the Ministry of Labour and Public Health. Dr. Luchkiw also maintained that the CPSO is only authorized to launch investigations based on objective evidence, not mere suspicion.

This year, Dr. Luchkiw was suspended for six months, slapped with a $28,370 fine, and ordered to attend re-education training through the PROBE Ethics & Boundaries Program.

Dr. Mark Trozzi

Also in January, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal issued severe penalties to Dr. Mark Trozzi for “engaging in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and failing to meet the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for COVID-19 in social media postings, on his website and in interviews.”

The tribunal further accused Dr. Trozzi of “failing to meet the standard of practice of the profession in his care of patients to whom he issued medical exemptions from COVID-19 vaccines” and “failing to respond appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written inquiry from the College.”

Dr. Trozzi’s license has been revoked and he has been ordered to pay a $94,960 fine.

Canada’s medical apparatus preparing for next pandemic, says physician

Dr. William Makis, a Canadian oncologist and medical researcher, says the purpose of the continued crackdown by the “Canadian healthcare mafia” is to ensure physicians remain obedient in the next pandemic.

“I believe that SOON, Canadian doctors will be mandated to take Influenza H5N1 mRNA Vaccines, which will have severe side effects up to and including death,” Dr. Makis wrote on X. “Failure to comply will come with huge fines, re-education camps, or license suspensions.”

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