California Medical Board: Fanatical about COVID, soft on sexual abuse

In December, the Los Angeles Times reported on Dr. Esmail Nadjmabadi, a California doctor who sexually abused six patients, one of whom he also reported to immigration officials for being an illegal alien. 

Nadjmabadi eventually surrendered his medical license, but the California Medical Board later reinstated him as a physician without input from his patients. 

Dr. Zachary Cosgrove is another California doctor who sexually abused three patients and was addicted to crystal meth. After they reported him, Cosgrove threw furniture at one, kicked and punched another and verbally abused the third. 

As of the report, the California Medical Board has still not revoked Cosgrove’s license and he is still practicing medicine. 

Dr. Anshul Gandhi, a physician at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, was found guilty of sexual battery against four women.  

The California Medical Board did not even suspend Gandhi’s medical license. 

The board also granted a license to Dr. Shahab “Sean” Ataee, a New York physician who had sexually abused a patient's daughter. After he was granted the license, Ataee was accused of molesting another patient. The California Medical Board took no action as of December's report.

The L.A. Times found that the California Medical Board, headed by attorney Kristina Lawson, is particularly generous towards doctors accused of sexual abuse or misconduct. 

“...10 of the 17 physicians who lost their licenses for sexual misconduct and petitioned for reinstatement since 2013 succeeded, board data show — a rate of 59%. By contrast, The Times found, 47 of the 105 doctors who lost their licenses for all other reasons — fraud, substance abuse, gross negligence — got theirs back, a rate of 45%.” 

But Kristina Lawson doesn’t appear to be waging war against doctors who sexually abuse their patients. Lawson has committed herself to hunting doctors who spread what she calls “COVID-19 misinformation”, a term typically used to disparage physicians who use proven science to successfully treat COVID-19 instead of following the forced narrative. 

Many of these physicians are world-renowned, including America’s Frontline Doctors’ Dr. Brian Tyson, who has evaluated over 17,000 patients and over 1,900 COVID-positive cases, with only one hospitalization and zero deaths. 

But Lawson, an attorney who is also a voting member of the Federation of State Medical Boards, has threatened such doctors with the revocation of their licenses. 

Frontline News recently reported on Doc Tracy: Physician Investigator, a new investigative medical series that exposes the people behind the mass intimidation of physicians over COVID-19 care, such as Lawson. 

The first episode of Doc Tracy, called Lawson’s Hunt, premiered late last month, and shows physician Doc Tracy confronting Lawson. The attorney then aired her grievances to the mainstream media, who indulged Lawson and the official COVID-19 narrative. 

Regarding her apparent softness with sexually abusive doctors, Lawson defended the board and attempted to hide behind the law. 

“I can’t go rogue,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “We have to operate within the confines of the law.” 

But while California law prohibits sexual abuse, it does not prohibit “COVID-19 misinformation”, which appears to be Lawson’s pet peeve. 

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the medical board, not the courts, to revoke medical licenses, and the medical board is not legally required to re-instate a physician's license.

But as recently as Sunday, Lawson urged people to report doctors for “misinformation”, leaving out any mention of sexual abuse. 

“If you or someone you know has been harmed by a California licensed physician -through misinformation, fraud, negligence or otherwise- please file a complaint with @MedBoardOfCA. You can find all the details about how to file a complaint here:…” she tweeted.