British TV host who campaigned against unvaccinated gives health update

British TalkTV host James Whale Monday updated viewers with grim news about his health. 

The 71-year-old broadcaster is known for his relentless drive to persecute those who refused the COVID-19 injections, even entreating authorities to prohibit the unvaccinated from working. 

"Sack the nurses, for God's sake. If they're not going to have the vaccine, why on Earth would you keep them in a hospital?" Whale said on TalkTV in January. When NHS employee Emma Corrine Thomson tried to explain why she was against the vaccine mandate, Whale hung up on her and called her an “idiot” who is “in the wrong job.” 

“Get the bloody vaccine,” he chanted over her, adding, "You're an idiot. I've had enough of you. I don't need you as a listener. I do not want to hear from you again!" 

Whale continued his campaign against unvaccinated health workers. 

“To the prime minister do not change the policy on mandated vaccination for NHS staff I’m in hospital on Thursday I don’t want to be treated by somebody who thinks they’re above the vaccination,” Whale tweeted in January. 

In April, Whale wrote: “Having been thinking about this all day I think it is now time to say to those idiots who refuse the vaccine and don’t think it applies to them and I’m sure we’ve all met one or two of them that they are the ones hard danger [sic] our freedoms they are the ones who need to wake up.” 

“And I almost forgot are we really going to let those people in the NHS who won’t have the vaccine stay on?” he tweeted another time. 

In one TalkTV segment in November 2021, Whale lashed out at a caller for saying the COVID-19 shots “don’t work”. 

“Why are you so stupid? If you know better than everybody else, good luck to you, okay?” Whale fumed. “You don't have to have a booster shot. You don't even have to have the vaccine. And in fact, quite frankly, I think the vaccine will be wasted on somebody like you, to be honest, you know. There are much more deserving people to have it.” 

Whale also told the caller that nobody is forcing him to take the injections — he would just lose his freedom if he refuses. 

“And nobody said you have to have it. It's just that you probably won't be able to do certain things that those people who've had it can do. And if you get really badly ill don't expect to go to hospital and be treated,” said Whale, before claiming “there are no doctors” who resist the vaccine. 

The radio personality also suggested lockdowns for the unvaccinated. 

“Is [sic] a thought what do we do with those people who choose not to be vaccinated do they stay locked down until this pandemic has more or less disappeared or are they allowed to wander the streets unchecked????” 

Whale also insisted “a lot of people would like to have vaccine passports and actually don’t want to mix with those who aren’t Vaccinated encouraging the nutters to go on the street because they think their freedoms In danger look elsewhere.” 

Whale has been battling cancer since 2000, which has since spread to his brain, spine, lungs and remaining kidney. 

On Monday, Whale updated fans that he won’t be leaving the hospital any time soon due to blood clots in his lungs. 

“Sorry to say guys, a lot of people asking how my blood transfusions went,” he wrote on Twitter. “Unfortunately they didn’t do the trick. Apparently I have lungs full of blood clots so they’re keeping me in to clear them out and hopefully it won’t take too long. XXX.” 

“Tried telling you but you kept hanging up on listeners. . .” one user responded to Whale, citing an FDA report linking the COVID shots to blood clots.

In a rare public appearance last month at the British Curry Awards, Whale announced his cancer is terminal. 

“I know a lot of you won’t like me, but this time next year I won’t be here. I have terminal cancer,” he told guests.