‘Bring it on’: Drs. Kory, McCollough respond to medical board threat

Drs. Pierre Kory and Peter McCollough have become the high-profile targets of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) for spreading what the medical board calls “misinformation.” Most egregiously for the Board, the world-renowned physicians have promoted effective, cheap treatments against COVID-19 and denounced the vaccines as harmful. 

Dr. McCullough, who remains the world’s most published cardiologist, has been under fire from the mainstream media throughout the pandemic, who accuse McCollough of the same “crimes”. 

Dr. Kory is the co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a group of medical experts that helps provide COVID-19 patients with effective drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

But even as the ABIM threatens to revoke the physicians’ medical licenses, Kory and McCollough appear unfazed. In fact, the pair have issued public challenges to the medical board to openly debate them on the medical science. 

“Calling out ABIM, AMA, medical societies and boards!” tweeted Dr. McCollough last week. “Come out of the propaganda shadows and face me and my colleagues in the open; lets get it on with a fair review of pandemic data, therapies, and the mandated products. A call from the days of yore!” 

Dr. Kory piled on with his own challenge, employing tongue-in-cheek humor to suggest the ABIM is a politicized organization instead of an objective, science-based medical board. 

“I also got a letter from ABIM detailing multiple public statements I made as misinformation (from whoever they hired to investigate me),” tweeted Dr. Kory. “I have massive evidence to support each statement. Bring it on ABIM, err, I mean FBI. Didn’t know investigating docs was part of your mission.” 

“Threatening the certification of this pair of brave doctors is the antithesis of the stated mission of the American Board of Internal Medicine,” commented the World Council for Health in a statement. “Instead, ABIM should question the judgment and skills of the many physicians in the U.S. that followed top-down orders originating from a long list of government officials, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital CEOs — none of which have ever treated someone suffering from Covid-19 — that have resulted in harm and even death.” 

“The World Council for Health stands with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, and all doctors facing attacks and pressure for treating their patients, for speaking out, and for daring to ask questions,” the statement added. “We must #LetDoctorsBeDoctors.” 

The council urges others to show support for Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory on social media by using the hashtag #LetDoctorsBeDoctors and tagging ABIM (@ABIMcert) on Twitter.

As reported by America’s Frontline Doctors Wednesday, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) also entered the fray, inviting the ABIM in a letter to join dissenting medical scientists in an open dialogue about COVID-19. 

“It is well last [sic] time for the public to hear from many sides regarding COVID-19 in a public forum,” wrote the senator. “The purpose of this letter is to invite you, members of your Credentials and Certification Committee, and any other medical expert of your choosing to come to Washington and engage in an open and honest interchange regarding all aspects of COVID-19, without the threat of reprisal by the ABIM or any other organization.  I request your participation in a public forum on one of the following dates: July 26, July 27, July 29, August 2 or August 3.”  

“Dr. McCullough will be given the same opportunity to name a panel of experts to represent diverse evidence-based viewpoints,” the senator concluded. “I sincerely hope you will respond positively to this invitation so that we can agree on and schedule a date for this important discussion.” 

But ABIM President and CEO Robert Baron declined, saying “it is in the spirit of fairness and confidentiality that I must decline your invitation for a public meeting, as I would for any that I would receive related to specific concerns about any physician certified by ABIM.”  

While Dr. McCullough has waived privacy, according to Steve Kirsch, the ABIM is insisting on keeping the hearings behind closed doors without observation.  

“Public discussion would, at this point, undermine the confidential process that is afforded to all ABIM certified physicians,” Baron concluded.