Brazil: The People stand up to disingenuous coup

by “Arsenio Wall”

Lula da Silva is a notorious convicted criminal who led the most major criminal organization ever assembled in Brazil, leading to corruption in a multinational, multi-billion-dollar scale.

When in power, he appointed the very same judges who bent the law and got him out of jail after his deserved downfall under the law.

His judicial acolytes, following a devious plan, paralyzed the executive and legislative branches, imposed terror and silence on the people by persecuting, penalizing, and imprisoning representatives, journalists, and anyone who dared oppose their obvious criminal agenda to manipulate the elections to bring Lula back to the scene of the crime – the presidency of Brazil.

This self-proclaimed totalitarian Judiciary power paralyzed both of the other powers, Legislative and Executive, which is completely illegal and criminal in Brazil, where the three powers are meant to be independent to work as a legal system of checks and balances. Surprisingly a single Minister - Alexandre de Moraes - posing as victim of free speech, acts as inquirer, prosecutor, and judge, in his own legal proceedings where the defendants do not get to see their processes. This judicial abnormality is now honoring the tradition of a pidgin version of Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre! Today a common sight in South in Central America.

The imposed secret ballot counting in Brazil, by means of weird machines running unverifiable programs, was also illegal and a fraud, and made obvious by appalling repetitive and anomalous voting patterns, leading to Lula’s "victory". Simple statistical analysis of the complete voting data made available by the authorities show patterns that have a probability of one over a quintillion of the outcome been fair! That goes hand-in-hand with the meeting minister Fachin (one of Lula’s judicial protegees) held with international authorities to assure that the result of the ballots should be recognized immediately by other countries, so as any abnormality later observed would not have any credit.

Because of such grotesque chain of events, respectable people are increasingly gathering in the streets, but mainly in front of military headquarters and installations everywhere, according to their lawful rights, protesting against this outrageous coup.

As usual, for most other ongoing popular movements against the globalist agenda, most corporate, mainstream media will not show it or value it for what it is. They turn the movement into a criminal gathering, claiming the end of democracy.