Biden, glitterati laugh at high inflation costs for Americans

Joe Biden and other glitterati were seen laughing at the White House Correspondents Association dinner when host Trevor Noah joked about the high cost of living for Americans which skyrocketed under Biden’s tenure. 

The annual dinner featured a roster of 2,600 guests which included members of the media elite, politicians and celebrities. 

Daily Show host Trevor Noah emceed the event and lobbed some sharp barbs at Biden, whose laughter was seen as out of touch. 

“Since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up,” Noah said, addressing Biden. “Gas is up, rent is up, food is up! Everything.” 

The camera then panned to Biden who burst out laughing, clapping his hands. 

“Here's regular Joe from Scranton laughing uproariously at the inflation he's inflicted on Americans while surrounded by cheering journalists,” tweeted Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) in response to Biden’s laughter. “What a model of empathy. You can't make this up.” 

Inflation has jumped by 8.5% under Biden, the highest since 1981. 

Noah continued to poke fun at Biden, doubting his ability to win the presidential election in 2024. 

“This is the golden area of conspiracy theories, whether it’s the right wing believing Trump can still win the 2020 election, or the left believing Joe Biden can still win the 2024 election,” joked Noah. 

Biden reportedly told former President Barack Obama that he plans to run again in 2024. 

Noah also took a shot at the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving the Taliban heavily armed and in control. The evacuation left 13 American soldiers dead. 

“Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you,” Noah said as he finished his speech. “Please be careful leaving tonight. We all know this administration doesn’t handle evacuations well.” 

The comedian also mocked the media correspondents who attended the event for their hypocrisy surrounding COVID-19. 

“It is my great honor to be speaking tonight at the nation’s most distinguished super spreader event,” he said to the guests, who were unmasked. 

“Do you read any of your own newspapers? . . . What are you doing here? You guys spent the last two years telling everyone about the importance of wearing masks and avoiding large indoor gatherings,” Noah quipped. “Then the second someone offers you a free dinner, you all turn into Joe Rogan, huh?” 

Noah then mocked CNN, whose recently launched, subscription-based streaming service CNN+ became a staggering failure. The company shut the service down just weeks after its launch. 

“The great chef José Andrés is joining us tonight,” Noah said. “Whenever there’s a disaster anywhere in the world, Chef José is there. Which I guess is why he’s sitting at the CNN table tonight.” 

 “Apparently Jeff [Zucker] got fired after he tried to keep his workplace relationship a secret, which is weird because if he really didn’t want anyone to know about it, he could’ve just made a show about it on CNN Plus,” Noah joked.