BBC went to war with human rights and all it could find was Stew Peters

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the BBC has been desperately trying to attack the neo-civil rights movement for promoting not-the-government's (NTG) science – a difficult task when the “COVID-denying misinformation conspiracy theories” keep being proven correct. 

In September 2020 for example, the BBC seethed against famed rock singer-songwriter Van Morrison for writing a song against lockdowns, reporting his song as “dangerous” and that it “alludes to debunked conspiracy theories.” The outlet insinuated Van Morrison had no scientific facts to support his stance. 

Similarly, in November 2021 the BBC raged against “anti-lockdown groups” with their “conspiratorial narratives”. 

Of course, science ultimately vindicated Van Morrison and all “lockdown deniers”. 

The BBC’s “Disinformation Monitoring Team” also continued to promote claims such as masks stop the spread of COVID (they don’t) and mRNA vaccines stop transmission (they don’t). Suggesting the virus was man-made in a lab was also a dreaded “conspiracy theory” that sent the news corporation into a pearl-clutching frenzy. The outlet tried to discredit the neo-civil rights movement by hopelessly attempting to tie it to QAnon. 

The BBC, growing hysterical, launched a weekly podcast called The Anti-Vax Files. It created job titles such as “Specialist Disinformation Reporters” and “Health and Disinformation Reporters”. It vilified civil rights group America’s Frontline Doctors for recommending hydroxychloroquine as an effective early treatment for COVID-19. 

But nothing stuck. 

That is, until last week, when the outlet got a hold of Stew Peters’ new documentary Died Suddenly and thought they finally hit paydirt. 

In an article titled, “They died suddenly - then the anti-vax trolling started,” BBC Health and Disinformation Reporter Rachel Schraer attacked the film, which spotlights a mysterious new phenomenon of young, healthy people dying unexpectedly. The enigma is stymying media doctors, who have called it Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). 

Schraer noted that some of the people and athletes shown to have “died suddenly” in the film either died in a car crash or did not die altogether. She pointed out that a graph showing an alarming uptick in stillbirths in 2021 showed no source.  

Schraer did not shy away from spreading her own disinformation, such as claiming vaccine-induced deaths “are rare and their causes are established through extensive monitoring, complex medical testing and statistical analysis” (they’re not). 

But the BBC reporter had no trouble dismantling the film. She tore it apart. She made it silly. She made Stew Peters look like a grifting conspiracy theorist who will say anything to stay relevant. 

And unfortunately for the BBC, we agree. 

We know all about Stew Peters’ brand of slapstick journalism and desperate sensationalism. We know all too well what shoddy, one-sided reporting looks like. After a non-stop media blitzkrieg for two-and-a-half years, we’ve perfected the smell test, and Peters doesn’t pass it. 

Neither does Died Suddenly. 

In a review of the film titled, “Died Suddenly Is Typical Trash from Stew Peters,” health freedom advocate and researcher Dr. Josh Guetzkow writes how “the film taints and tarnishes the material on the clots and other important information by covering it with a lot of garbage. And it is truly a shame in this case because there is much valuable, true information in the film that is now tainted by being mixed together with so much false information.” 

Guetzkow notes how the film opens with flashing pictures of Bigfoot, the Moon landing, UFOs, the CIA and Project Mockingbird, Alex Jones in a tinfoil hat, the words “conspiracy theory” and other odd images, which seem to discredit the content of the film. 

“Remember, Peters is the guy who brought us the now totally discredited film that tried to make the case that COVID was deadly because it had similarities to snake venom and was spread through tainted water," Dr. Guetzkow added. “He and his team are either terrible at vetting reliable information or they are engaged in a deliberate campaign to discredit the health freedom movement.” 

It’s regrettable that the BBC can only reach the low-hanging fruit. Just a little higher, and it might find the answers it is (or isn’t) looking for. 

For example, we don’t need a documentary to tell us that a five-fold increase in cardiac events and unexplained deaths among FIFA athletes since 2021 is alarming. We don’t need a film to report that a 25% increase in cardiac events among young, healthy men directly correlated to the vaccine is cause for concern. We don’t need the likes of Stew Peters to confirm that yes, a dramatic uptick in miscarriages and stillbirths among vaccinated women is disturbing. 

And there’s more, BBC. 

So much more

In the meantime, we must give credit where credit is due: you got Stew Peters. 

And on behalf of the health freedom movement, you can have him.