Back to Center: 'I let myself be talked into a medical procedure I didn't want'

The purpose of the “Back to Center” advice column is to provide perspectives for personal realignment and empowered living in these tyrannical times. Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice about self-development and emotional and mental well-being. Please send your questions to Anonymous and secure. Looking forward to hearing from you!
For all other inquiries, please direct your questions to
I recently had a medical procedure done, and am struggling to feel okay about it on several levels. It was a procedure that my doctor strongly advised I go through because of a certain health condition I have. I didn’t feel great about the idea, but kind of let myself be talked into it. My doctor was saying all these scary things about what could happen if I didn’t have this procedure, and I got scared and felt like there were no other options. I guess I got taken in by the fear factor, and eventually agreed to it.
Now, after the fact, I feel regret and pain — not just the physical pain, which is definitely there as I work on recovering — but emotional pain as well. I’m so sad that I let myself be pulled into something I didn’t really want to do; that I wasn’t stronger about asserting myself and exercising my right to look into other options. I feel like I’ve betrayed myself. How do I heal from this?
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I’m so sorry to hear about all the pain you’re going through.
It seems to me that this is a good moment to pause and take a few deep breaths. When you are ready, keep reading, and let’s take a gentle look at what’s going on for you.
You’ve just been through what sounds like an intense and complicated procedure. First and foremost, I encourage you to give yourself space to heal. This is the time for rest and self-care, not self-judgment or second guessing. Ask yourself what you need right now. What does your body need? What does your soul need? What would feel soothing and helpful to you physically and emotionally? Giving yourself the chance to heal properly on all levels is crucial. Consider taking care of yourself to be your number one job right now.
When you are feeling stronger, that will be the time to take a closer look at processing this experience for yourself. As you think back through the conversations with your doctor and the decision-making process you went through, asking yourself the following questions may bring some helpful insights:
- What did I really want in this situation (in terms of outcome or the way I wanted to handle things)?
- What actions would I have needed to take in order to stay aligned with what I wanted?
- Why was it difficult to stay true to myself in this situation?
- Why did I feel so strongly influenced by my doctor?
- What role did fear play?
- How could I have approached the situation differently?
- How can I listen more closely to my own intuition in the future?
It seems to me that another question your heart wants you to ask is, “How can I forgive myself for this ‘betrayal’?” as you called it. The truth is that most of us have these experiences from time to time — situations where we let ourselves be influenced by others to go in a direction we know deep down we’re not comfortable with. We might do it out of fear, self-doubt, lack of information, or for other reasons, and then look back afterward and feel mystified as to where our true selves ran off to in those moments. From there, it’s super easy to hop on the “What was I thinking?” downward spiral of self-criticism.
Instead of letting that regret drag you down, how can you give yourself some compassion around the part you played in the experience? It sounds like it was a complicated situation with many factors to consider; health-related challenges can be especially scary and confusing to navigate. Is it possible that you did the best you could at the time, with who and where you are in life right now? And now, on the other side of it, what can you learn from the experience to carry forward with you?
Most likely, we won’t navigate every single challenge in life the way we would ideally want. But that’s okay, because life is more about the direction we’re moving in versus where we are on the path. If you can take this experience you’ve been through, use it to become stronger and more centered within yourself, and then apply this learning to the next challenge, you’ve won. The getting up again when you fall is far more honorable than never falling at all.
Sending you good thoughts for a complete recovery of body and spirit!
Previous columns:
- ‘I encountered a slew of racist hate messages online’
- ‘I want to take our family’s health back into our own hands'
- ‘Even though things are better with COVID, my friends are still on medication’
- ‘I am “awake” now, but I wasn’t always'
- 'My daughter is worried for her friends who got the COVID shot'
- ‘How can people call themselves Christians and believe these things are okay?’
- ‘I’m alone for the holidays for the very first time'
- ‘What’s a formerly proud American to do these days?'
- ‘How can I extend forgiveness for all the COVID atrocities when it still hurts so much?’
- 'I long to help my daughter connect with God in these times'
- Is it irresponsible to think of having another child in today's world?
- ‘I want my son to have strong male role models’
- ‘Our son has secretly been in the process of gender transition’
- ‘I wonder if the sacrifices I and my fellow soldiers made were worth it’
- ‘I know Scripture approves of 2nd Amendment rights, but the idea leaves me uneasy’
- ‘I was an approval-seeking people-pleaser’
- 'God is a God of justice, right? Where’s my justice?'
- ‘I’ve tried my best to be faithful and live a holy life; now I don’t know what to believe’
- 'Kids gravitate toward honest answers, even when they’re tough answers'
- 'I used to be a pretty positive person, but the world is different now'
- 'Do I have an obligation to say something to my friend who is about to inject her one-year-old?'
- 'How do I respond to wild hatred?'
- ‘All my friends have abandoned me’
- ‘Who am I to build a better world?’
- 'The world does not have to understand or approve of your choices'
- 'I get tired and overwhelmed'
- 'I vacillate between feeling inspired and useless'
- ‘I pity the people creating the lies’
- ‘The anger and hurt feelings are costing you too much’
- ‘People who once treated each other with so much love and kindness are now at odds’
- ‘Struggling with my relationship with God since COVID’
- 'I have lost confidence in our healthcare system, including my own personal doctors'
- 'Can you forgive yourself for the years you couldn’t be there with your daughter?'
- 'My wife is willing to take the sacrifice for her sister and I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it'
- 'I deeply regret taking the vaccine'
- 'Married 39 years and I thought we were on the same page when it came to things that mattered most'
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- ‘How can I stop fear from controlling my every thought and ruining my dreams?’
- 'How can I pursue my dream to find the person to marry, when it's so hard to connect with new people because of COVID?'
- 'How can I feel safe these days?'
- Advice column premier: Back to Center
Sarah encourages you to reach out to her with requests for advice! Please send your questions to Anonymous and secure.

Sarah Perron is a Certified Transformational Life Coach. Her passion is to help people create a powerful vision for their lives, identify and eliminate anything that holds them back, and step into their own unique greatness and mission in the world. She believes deeply in the power of coaching to bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and motivation to anyone who wants to thrive in life. Sarah works with clients one-on-one and in group coaching programs and presents exciting workshops on self-development topics. You can follow her on her YouTube channel Find Your Fire.
You are invited to book a complimentary coaching call with Sarah! Please visit to choose a time that's convenient for you. She looks forward to meeting you!