Babylon Bee roasts AOC about Jan 6 claims

Political satire site Babylon Bee published a new “story” last week roasting far-Left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). 

The article ran with the headline, “AOC Claims She Too Was Slapped By Will Smith At The Oscars And Now She Is Dead,” and satirizes false claims the former bartender made about the January 6th rally. 

Shortly after the day on which Stop the Steal protestors entered the Capitol building, AOC tried to claim that she had a “near death” experience, hiding in her office from the protestors and thinking she was going to die. 

AOC’s office isn’t in the Capitol, which is where the protesters were, and her dramatic story was found to be fabricated. 

Now, the Babylon Bee is taking a shot at the congresswoman by imagining her claiming to also have been slapped by actor Will Smith at the Oscars, in addition to comedian Chris Rock. 

“U.S. representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made headlines recently after giving emotional testimony about the time she was slapped by movie star Will Smith, which killed her, and now she is dead,” reports the Bee. 

“’I was crying outside a grocery store that refused to give away their food to minorities when Will Smith came up and slapped me,’ said Ocasio-Cortez while wearing a jacket spelling out ‘Slap the Rich’ adorning her back. ‘Being killed by being slapped was horrific, even worse than when I died on January 6th.’” 

Last month, Frontline News reported that the Babylon Bee was suspended from Twitter for posting a meme. The meme showed Rachel Levine, the transgender assistant Secretary of Health, featured as “Man of the Year” on a magazine cover.   

The post was a play on Levine being named “Woman of the Year” by USA Today. 

For this, the Bee was suspended from Twitter. They can only regain access to their account if they delete the tweet. 

But the Babylon Bee refuses to bend the knee. 

“Twitter could, of course, delete the tweet themselves,” Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon wrote in an email to America’s Frontline Doctors. “But they won't. It's not enough for them to just wipe it out. They want us to bend the knee and admit that we engaged in hateful conduct.” 

“I can promise you that's not happening,” he continued. “Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it. We won't compromise the truth just to keep our account.” 

Fox News host Tucker Carlson tweeted that the Bee was correct in saying that Levin is a man, and Carlson was suspended from Twitter as well. 

Today, Seth Dillon tweeted that Elon Musk himself contacted him after the suspension to confirm why he was suspended and said he was considering buying Twitter. After that, Musk polled Twitter users about the lack of free speech on the platform and if he should purchase it. 

On Monday, Musk became the largest shareholder of Twitter with a 9.2% stake, and was subsequently appointed to the Board of Directors. 

“Musk reached out to us before he polled his followers about Twitter's commitment to free speech,” tweeted Dillon. “He wanted to confirm that we had, in fact, been suspended. He even mused on that call that he might need to buy Twitter. Now he's the largest shareholder and has a seat on the board.”