Baby August's mother: 'We did not win'

Hannah Stoll, mother of August Stoll, the baby who was disqualified for a heart transplant based on vaccine status today told Frontline News that her son was not approved for transplant without consent for vaccines, as erroneously reported. “We did not win,” she said, “and had to compromise quickly because he's in critical condition and needed to be on the list.”

Vanderbilt University Hospital Ventricular Assist Device Program Medical Director David Bearl had decreed that Baby August would not receive a new heart until he received eight vaccines, including measles, mumps and rubella, varicella and Hepatitis A. The vaccine schedule, which lists the minimum age as 12 months, is not a legal prerequisite for receiving a heart transplant.  

According to The Epoch Times, Bearl’s decision was not medical; Baby August could survive the transplant without being vaccinated. But as Bearl put it, “it’s just how we do things here.”

Fox News reported that Vanderbilt University Hospital had finally approved a heart transplant for six-month-old August Stoll.

However, Hannah Stoll told Frontline News this was incorrect: “The story communicates that Vanderbilt allowed him a transplant without vaccines, which is unfortunately not true...I wish it was. It is devastating for us. There was massive backlash, but clearly it didn't matter.”