AwakenWithJP shadow banned

YouTube comedian JP Sears, known as AwakenWithJP, has been shadow banned by Youtube, a Google subsidiary. Sears ends one of his most recent videos, a parody of Canadian doctors offering to euthanize their patients, with a plea to his millions of followers to stay connected by email.

You will never believe this, but I'm currently experiencing a big shadow ban by Big Tech. A lot of people who want to see my videos simply aren't seeing them. So if you're seeing this video and want to ensure that you see all my videos and stay connected with me I'd love to have you join my email list. You can do that at and it ensures you and I stay connected. 

Good old days

Sears spent years building up millions of followers with a steady stream of satirical videos, including a 2015 video on “How to Become Gluten Intolerant” that garnered 11 million views. As long as Sears stuck to sarcastic looks at wellness trends he suffered no adversity and even found himself the beneficiary of free advertising with a feature on ABC Australia.   

"Being gluten intolerant is the hottest eating trend in the New Age Community, since we found out you don't have to eat animals," the deadpan JP Sears explained.

Big Government, Big Academia 

Sears was one of many previously “acceptable” voices who suddenly, and unexpectedly, found himself the victim of a smear campaign simply for opposing government excesses during COVID. Not long after producing his first satirical looks at “face suffocators” and the role of obesity and vitamin D deficiency in reducing natural immunity, Sears was the subject of a hit piece by McGill University’s Office for Science and Society (OSS).

A wolf in sheep’s clothing . . . Sears’ comedic ambiguity . . . has allowed him to successfully draw in masses of people as he slithers down the rabbit hole of COVID-19 conspiracy theories. . . . (He has escaped YouTube’s haphazard crackdown on COVID-19 misinformation, he thinks, because the artificial intelligence that scans video transcripts can’t detect sarcasm yet) . . . Perhaps even more worryingly, JP Sears is part of a dangerous movement that has weaponized doubt . . .

Canadian taxpayers, through publicly funded McGill University, and the Trottier Family Foundation support the work of the OSS.

The Trottier Family Foundation demandsradical transformation at all levels” to attack those who disagree with the government’s climate change and COVID policies.

Not surprisingly, the OSS prepares hit pieces “tackling” science dissidents who oppose government policy on climate, virus hunting or any other scientific issue. 

The Office has a history of tackling fake news in the world of science well before the term “fake news” even existed.                                                                          

Big Tech

Sears’ popularity continued to grow despite the government funded hit piece, prompting Big Tech to jump in with algorithm-based censorship, as explained by

Shadow banning is an indirect censorship method that uses proprietary algorithms to restrict controversial content while keeping the person banned unaware of the ban. [It] uses blocking or partial blocking of user content by altering algorithms (such as search algorithms) to restrict who can see posted content. . . . Your content gets restricted, and who can see it, if anyone can, is reduced or even eliminated.

Abusing Section 230

YouTube’s shadow ban of Sears provides the latest reason to abolish the Big Tech protection law known as Section 230.  Here is a good summary of Section 230's flaws as reported in Israel National News:

Section 230 of the “Communications Decency Act” (“CDA”) empowers all the left-wing tech companies to quash your platform access merely because they believe “in good faith” that your posts are “otherwise objectionable.”

The supposed “good Samaritan” provision has, in fact, become the incarnation of the Orwellian 1984 Ministry of Truth. The United States Government has unconstitutionally “sub-contracted” the infinite power of total censorship to quasi-governmentally-empowered companies in clear facial violation of the 1st Amendment. . . . 

Why doesn’t Congress just strike out the “whether or not such material is constitutionally protected” part of the statute? Section 230 will never be amended because it is worth trillions to the small group of people who own those companies and they will pay off Democrats and Republicans alike to keep it from being changed, leaving them with the monopoly on censorship.

The billionaires who own these companies will fight to keep Section 230, so the only recourse is for it to be found unconstitutional. Only the 1st Amendment, and a real Supreme Court that wants to uphold the Constitution, can save our democracy, and with it, the United States.

Big Tech gone wild

Please see our prior articles on freelanced censorship. 

  1. Google exploits immunity to attack AFLDS
  2. Google suppresses AFLDS