Australian PM faces moral dilemma over Moderna factory

Manufacturing “health security” and economic growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a sudden interest among some government officials in having vaccine manufacturing facilities nearby, as they brace for the many pandemics the WHO keeps warning us about. Along with the perceived “health security,” there’s also the promise of economic growth.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is one of those officials, and in 2022 he contracted with Moderna to build a facility for mRNA vaccine production on the campus of Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria. The company would also establish a headquarters and regional center in Victoria. According to the PM’s press release, once completed and operational, the facility will be capable of producing 100 million vaccine doses annually, helping to protect Australians against future pandemics while “supporting local industry and creating highly skilled local jobs.”

Albanese tweeted about the deal at the time.

Vaccine security

In case of future pandemics, Albanese is glad that Australia will be vaccine-independent. 

Once this critical onshore mRNA capability is established, Australia will reduce its dependence on imported mRNA vaccines and our vulnerability to supply disruptions or delays.
It will give Australians local and ongoing access to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine – Spikevax – and give us an onshore mRNA manufacturing capability in the event of a new pandemic, such as avian influenza or another new pathogen, vaccine-resistant COVID-19 variants or a global resurgence of infections.

The project will put Australia on the “mRNA map.”

Albanese explains in his press release that this venture will make Melbourne a world leader in mRNA research, creating a “world-class mRNA ecosystem.” 

The partnership will lead to a world-class mRNA ecosystem based in Melbourne, attract highly skilled staff and expand local capability through joint ventures with leading Australian research organisations.

Other MPs are on board, too. The press release quotes several officials who are looking forward to protecting Australians’ health and boosting the economy, including,

     ▪ Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews: “The pandemic has shown us how important it is to have strong sovereign capacity – we’re not wasting a second in making sure we have access to the vaccines we need to keep Victorians safe.”
Minister Butler: “It was a pivotal step in helping protect Australians against future pandemics while supporting local industry.”
Minister Husic: “We warmly welcome Moderna to Melbourne - this facility and research centre together with Victoria's world-class science and health tech will generate major medical breakthroughs.”

Winepress News quoted Monash University President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Margaret Gardner who provided her perspective on the planned Moderna facility in the university's press release.

The combination of the manufacturing site, Monash research and training centre bring together all of the elements of an mRNA innovation ecosystem that will deliver long-term health and economic benefits for the community.
Monash is at the cutting edge of mRNA/RNA therapeutics development and we are delighted that Moderna will be joining specialists from across the university and research sector to build an Australian mRNA ecosystem right here in Clayton.
Today’s announcement is recognition of the collaborative work between Australian and Victorian governments, other research institutions and industry partners to develop vaccines and treatments for a range of global health issues.

DNA contamination: A significant problem with the product

Investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi points out one big hitch in all of this. Although the facility is scheduled to be completed this year, the Prime Minister is now being urged to “immediately suspend” the use of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines due to unacceptable amounts of synthetic DNA fragments found in Australian vaccine vials. The Australian findings, she explains, “confirmed previous independent findings from the US, Canada and Germany.”

Millions of Australians will be affected

Russel Broadbent, the MP for Monash, wrote to Albanese twice in September, notifying him of the DNA fragments and the potential dangers of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, which would multiply with each additional injection. The letter (image below), Demasi notes, has fifty-two co-signers comprised of doctors, lawyers, academics, and politicians.

He juxtaposed the thalidomide tragedy, which affected 10,000 people worldwide, with the 20 million Australians who have already received 63 million doses of the vaccine, emphasizing the much greater potential risks involved, and urged the prime minister to adopt the precautionary principle and halt the use of the product.

With the letter, Broadbent included a summary of the science detailing the known and potential risks of DNA contamination. This, he emphasized, “highlights the need for an urgent and independent investigation.” Demasi quotes from the summary, outlining the potential dangers:

“Excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles can integrate into human cells, potentially leading to genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption, and adverse hereditary effects.”

He let Albanese know that his co-signers told him that the Department of Health and Aged Care did not produce evidence to refute the serious concerns raised in the science summary. 

Broadbent also expressed concern about the Australian Therapeutic Goods Agency (TGA)’s intent to safeguard citizens’ health, stating that he has reason to believe that eminent scientists have tried multiple times to warn the agency about the contamination but have been disregarded since 2021.

NZ and the MRNA tweeted disgust with the TGA's response to a 2020 FOI request about possible DNA contamination in the COVID-19 vaccines: 74 almost completely redacted pages.[1]

In 2020 Australia Freedom of Information application 4558_0 asked questions about potential DNA contamination in the covid injections....and how testing was being conducted. The link takes you to their (unbelievable) response....also seen in the photograph below

DNA dangers: Not just mRNA vaccines

The risks associated with DNA fragments integrating into cells are well documented. Demasi referenced a 2010 FDA Guidance warning of the carcinogenic potential of such integration:

The US FDA is aware of the risks of residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry acknowledges the “oncogenic” potential [the potential to cause cancer].
It states, “There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

It’s worth noting that whole DNA and DNA fragments are present in many childhood vaccines as well, often grown in media derived from aborted fetal cell lines. The Gold Report previously covered this topic when it was revealed that Pfizer tested its mRNA vaccine on aborted fetal cells. 

A significant moral dilemma; what will the prime minister do?

This situation places Albanese at a critical crossroads. With compelling evidence suggesting unacceptably high levels of DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines, the prime minister faces a significant moral dilemma. As Demasi asks, “[W]ill the Prime Minister put the safety of his people before profits?”

All eyes are on Albanese. The choice he makes today could ripple far beyond Australia’s shores, shaping global conversations about vaccine safety and accountability. The stakes are high, and he must weigh the health and safety of Australians against economic interests, prestige, and the allure of home-grown vaccines. The long-term effects of his decision will be felt for years to come.

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[1] It is probable that the TGA further redacted pages, since Maryanne Demasi stated that the report was 80% redacted "rendering any interpretation of the data, impossible." Today, it appears to be 99% redacted.