Australian senator attacks WHO for keeping 83 rapists and molesters on staff, all answering to terrorist chief

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts gave a short, but historic, speech on the floor of Parliament. Roberts doesn't argue that well-meaning officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) might imprudently use the unprecedented powers afforded them by the WHO Pandemic Treaty to force individual nations to lockdown and make new vaccines mandatory. Roberts instead argues that the WHO, far from being led by well-meaning leaders, “is rotting from the head.” Here's his textual introduction to the video of his speech, posted on his YouTube Channel:

Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid.

Actual terrorist at the helm

Even hardcore anti-globalists might be tempted to write off such charges as ludicrous: the WHO headed by a terrorist who keeps rapists and pedophiles on staff, and gives them the power to abuse the poorest people in the world as he flies his staff members to towns in the developing world with fancy rental cars and hotel rooms waiting for them and with far more cash than the local residents have. But Roberts provided the details:

The head of the WHO is Tedros Ghebreyesus, who was previously the health minister of a terrorist organisation called the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and used international aid to buy power and punish his enemies. The regions of Ethiopia that Tedros starved of medical supplies suffered disastrous cholera epidemics in 2006, 2009 and 2011. Independent investigators found Tedros was ‘fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying that continues to spread in East Africa.’ He’s a killer. WHO is rotting from the head.

Actual rapists in the field

That's from Tedros' pre-WHO days. What of the charges against him now? Roberts simply cited an AP report.

Last week, Associated Press reported on the WHO sex crimes scandal, where WHO staffers sexually exploited girls and women during the Congo’s recent Ebola outbreak—inhuman. At least 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse, including rape and forced abortions, with victims as young as 13. WHO refused to fire the perpetrators, using the absurd argument that their actions didn’t violate WHO’s sexual exploitation practice policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid; the raping part is okay with Tedros. 

Get out - it is that simple

Roberts then draws what would appear to be the only logical conclusion — get out of that UN agency and all UN agencies for that matter.

WHO’s power grab is ongoing. . . . This is the person [Tedros] who heads an organisation that many in government and academia want to elevate above the Australian parliament. One Nation rejects the UN-WHO power grab and will defend Australia’s sovereignty. So should you all. 

Even sans terrorism and pedophilia Roberts notes that the WHO is a compromised organization:

The WHO is not independent. Their owners are corporate donors who contribute most of the WHO budget. WHO’s current sugar daddy is Bill Gates, who has made billions out of his investment in the same vaccines that WHO promotes. Gates bought the WHO and they now recommend his products. It is that simple.   


Shortly after Roberts posted his video attacking Tedros, Tedros posted a video of himself, not denying his terrorism or the pedophilia, rapes and forced abortions by those he chose to keep on staff. Rather he attacked the claim that nations would lose sovereignty if they signed onto his Pandemic Treaty. Without referring to any part of the treaty itself, he simply made a conclusory remark about sovereignty .country will cede any sovereignty to @WHO. Countries will decide what the #PandemicAccord says, and countries will implement the accord in line with their own national laws. Any opposite claim is quite simply false.

Of course, if Tedros were telling the truth, it would not matter to him whether nations signed the treaty, since it would not be binding. The WHO's pronouncements and recommendations would be what they are now — non-binding advisories.

The plain language of the treaty, though, tells a different story:

The Parties [nations] recognize the need to coordinate, collaborate and cooperate, in the spirit of
international solidarity, with competent international and regional intergovernmental organizations and
other bodies in the formulation of cost-effective measures, procedures and guidelines for pandemic
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, and to this end shall:
(a) promote global, regional and national political commitment, coordination and leadership
for pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery . . . 
(b) support mechanisms that ensure global, regional and national policy decisions are science
and evidence-based . . . 

Recognizing the central role of WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international
health work, and mindful of the need for coordination with regional organizations, entities in the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations, the WHO Director-General shall, in
accordance with terms set out herein, declare pandemics. [P.22; emphases added].

See our previous articles outlining resistance in the US and UK to the WHO's plan to diminish the sovereignty of nation states: