Argentinian president repeatedly bashes WEF attendees to their faces

Argentinian President Javier Milei repeatedly criticized the World Economic Forum (WEF) during remarks at the WEF’s annual Davos summit last week.
In his speech, Milei accused Davos’ elite attendees of destroying the West with their globalist woke agenda.
“Forums like this one have been protagonists and promoters of the sinister agenda of wokeism that is doing so much damage to the Western world,” Milei said, adding how the “absolute global hegemony of the woke Left” in Davos has begun to crumble.
The president then began to attack each item on the woke agenda separately, beginning with feminism:
Radical feminism is a distortion of the concept of equality, even in its most benevolent form, it is redundant – as equality before the law already exists in the West. Everything else is a quest for privileges, which is what radical feminism truly seeks, pitting half of the population against the other half, when they should both be on the same side.
Milei noted how in some countries like Costa Rica, killing a woman can be charged as femicide, which carries more severe punishments than killing a man and thus places greater worth on female life. He also took issue with the gender pay gap myth, which claims that women earn less than men for the same work. In truth, women earn at least as much as men for the same work but make less overall due to working less or choosing lower-paying jobs.
“But if you raise these points in the media or even at this forum, you are considered a misogynist simply for defending an elementary principle of modern democracy and the rule of law, which is equality before the law,” said Milei.
Climate change
He then took aim at climate change, which the WEF insists is the greatest threat to humanity:
[O]nce again, wokeism has managed to pervert this fundamental idea. From preserving the environment for human enjoyment, we have shifted to a fanatical environmentalism, where we humans are seen as a cancer that must be eradicated and economic development is considered little more than a crime against nature.
And yet, when we argue that the Earth has already gone through five abrupt temperature change cycles, and that during four of those man was not even around, we are called ‘Flat Earthers’ in order to discredit our ideas, even though science and the data are on our side.
Milei immediately transitioned into abortion, saying that those who believe humans are cancerous to the planet are trying to stifle births:
It is no coincidence that these same groups are the main promoters of the bloody, murderous abortion agenda, an agenda designed on the basis of the Malthusian premise that overpopulation will destroy the Earth, and that we must therefore implement some form of population control.
In fact, this has been carried to such an extreme that today on Earth we start to see a population growth rate starting to look like a problem.
Birth rates around the world continue to drop, particularly in Europe and North America. Countries like Finland, Poland, and South Korea are now grappling with the difficulties of population declines.
Gender Ideology
Argentina’s president went on to slam gender ideology, which he noted is strongly promoted by the WEF:
[T]hese forums promote the LGBT agenda, attempting to impose the idea that women are men and men are women simply based on self-perception. And they say nothing about when a man dresses as a woman and kills his opponent in a boxing ring, or when a male prison inmate claims to be a woman and ends up sexually assaulting women in prison.
Milei referenced a recent case involving two homosexuals who were recently sentenced to 100 years in prison after they adopted children and abused them for over two years.
“I want to be clear when I say abuse, this is no euphemism because in its most extreme forms, gender ideology is outright child abuse. They are pedophiles. So, I want to know who would support that kind of behavior,” Milei told attendees.
He described how healthy children are being medically mutilated in the name of “gender-affirming care” even though they cannot possibly consent to such procedures. Interventions like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones cause irreversible harm such as sterility and castration, which no child can consent to because no child can fullly comprehend sterility. If parents do not consent to medical mutilation on behalf of their children, some governments take the child away.
“And believe me, the scandalous experiments in the name of this criminal ideology will be condemned and likened to those committed in the darkest periods in our history,” Milei stated. “And covering this multitude of abhorrent practices is the eternal victimhood narrative, always ready to hurl accusations of homophobia, transphobia and other fabricated terms, whose sole purpose is to silence those of us who dare to expose the scandal – one of which both national and international authorities are complicit.”
Milei then rounded on diversity, which he said “represents a regression to the aristocratic systems of the past.”
“Quotas are invented for every minority politicians can come up with, which ends up undermining the excellence of institutions,” he asserted. “Wokeism has also distorted the issue of immigration, the free movement of goods and people is a fundamental pillar of liberalism.”
He acknowledged that countries like Argentina and the United States owe much of their success to immigrants but that mass immigration today is being driven by guilt:
Since the West is supposedly the root cause of all of the world's evils in history, it must redeem itself by opening its borders to everyone, which leads to a form of reverse colonization that resembles collective suicide.
So, this is how we now see images of hordes of immigrants who abuse, assault, or even kill European citizens, whose only sin was not adhering to a particular religion. But when someone questions these situations, they are immediately labeled racists, xenophobic or even Nazis.
‘Long live freedom, damn it’
Milei again blamed WEF attendees for being “the ideologues of this barbarity” and said the organization must admit its culpability in forcing its agenda on global society.
“And if globally influential institutions like this one wish to turn over a new leaf and participate in good faith in this new paradigm, it will have to take responsibility for the role played over the past decades, acknowledging to society the mea culpa that is being demanded of them,” he said.
“Thank you all very much and long live freedom, damn it.” mea culpamea culpa