Anti-gun groups: Mutilating children necessary to reduce gun violence

Gun control groups are urging the US Supreme Court to allow the medical mutilation of children because it would “reduce gun violence.”

The Supreme Court is poised to rule on United States v. Skrmetti, where the Biden-Harris administration is trying to strike down a Tennessee law banning sex change procedures for minors. If the high court sides with the federal government, children across the country may be given cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in the name of “transgenderism.”

Last week, a coalition of anti-gun rights groups filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of the federal government, arguing that genitally mutilating children would reduce gun violence.

“In the face of the ongoing gun violence crisis gripping our nation, ensuring access to gender affirming care for transgender youth is not merely a matter of medical necessity—it is a crucial component in our fight against the epidemic of gun violence that disproportionately threatens this vulnerable population,” claimed the groups, which include March for Our Lives, Giffords, Team ENOUGH, and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

No evidence for claim

Their rationale is that if transgender children are allowed to undergo sex change procedures they will feel more supported, which will cause their suicide rates to drop and bring down the rate of firearm deaths.

However, current data show a record increase in suicides among transgender youth, despite at least 24 US states allowing medical mutilation for kids — also a record high.

Furthermore, there is a lack of respectable research showing a correlation between increased suicide risk and bans on medical mutilation, as a UK report found in April.

“It has been suggested that hormone treatment reduces the elevated risk of death by suicide in this population, but the evidence found did not support this conclusion,” said Dr. Hilary Cass in The Cass Review.

Nevertheless, gun control groups insist the suicide rates for confused children will decrease if their delusions are indulged through sexual mutilation.

“By dramatically reducing the risk of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among transgender youth, access to gender-affirming medical care acts as a powerful antidote to the toxic mix of easy gun access and the mental health challenges faced by many transgender youths,” the groups continued in the amicus brief. “In contrast, by curtailing access to this care, SB1 and similar legislation does nothing but contribute to the spread of the ultimate irreversible harm: death.”