Over 28% of Americans ready to take up arms against government, University of Chicago survey finds

Former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon pulled no punches Wednesday as he left a federal courthouse where he is being prosecuted for contempt of Congress. Bannon had shrugged off a subpoena from the theatrical January 6th Committee, whose members remain consumed with President Donald Trump 19 months after he left the White House. 

Bannon made remarks outside the courthouse in which he outright challenged the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidency. He did so as he scorned the committee’s members for not hearing testimony about “what’s driving this: the total and complete illegitimacy of Joe Biden.” 

“Trump won,” he said frankly. “Joe Biden’s illegitimate. 50% of the American people believe that today, and they believe that not from hearing the mainstream media, from our great colleagues in the media –” he gestured with his hands to the reporters – “because they won’t show any of it. That information has been suppressed since day one but almost 50% of the American people believe it.” 

Then Bannon took a swipe at Biden for the lukewarm reception he receives by other heads of state. 

“You can’t govern this country if you’re not looked at as legitimate,” Bannon continued. “This is why no head of state in the world treats him with any respect.” 

Indeed, even some hardliners on the Left have expressed embarrassment of Biden on the world stage after some leaders refused to return his calls. 

“This is why the Chinese Communist Party treats him with no respect. This is why the Saudis embarrass him and humiliate him while he’s over there with a fist bump. You don’t do that to a legitimate president of the United States.” 

“We have a constitutional crisis in this nation right now,” he added. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News earlier this month, one GOP state and two county organizations have already declared Biden an illegitimate president, with likely more to follow. 

This fact has particular gravitas in light of a recent University of Chicago poll, which found that over a quarter of Americans feel it soon may be time to exercise the Second Amendment as it was originally intended and take up arms against the government. 

The poll of 1,000 Americans found that 28% of Americans, 37% of whom have guns in their homes, feel “it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government.”  

In addition, most Americans feel the government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me,” which includes 73% of Republicans and 51% of Democrats.  

“Overall, two-thirds of Republican and Independent voters agree that the government is ‘corrupt and rigged’ against them, while Democrats are evenly split,” revealed the survey.