American cowboys fly to Israel to lend hand in wartime

Four American cowboys arrived in Israel last Monday to offer their help and support to small Jewish farms and communities during the war. Many of these farms have been experiencing a shortage of workers and resources since the October 7th islamic attack.
The young men – John Plocher, Ezekiel Strain, Yosef Strain and Luke Hutslar from Arkansas and Montana, respectively – have been to Israel several times to volunteer, but this time, it's been a wildly different experience.
A traveler at JFK airport spotted the cowboys en route to Israel, took their picture, and posted it on X:
The post went viral overnight, with several million views on social media.
By the time the young men arrived at Ben Gurion airport in Israel, so many people were familiar with the post that they were recognized by fellow travelers.
The men are volunteering in Israel with HaYovel, “an organization that brings Christians to Judea and Samaria, the Biblical heartland of Israel, to serve the land and people in volunteer service.” As participants in HaYovel's “Operation Ittai” campaign, they are helping the communities and farms of Judea and Samaria acquire the supplies they need to increase their security during the war:
Operation Ittai’s mission is to equip and defend the 200 communities in Judea and Samaria, airlifting critical and essential supplies and equipment that they have been forced to do without since most of Israel’s military has been called to the war fronts. These supplies are basic and essential needs and none of the products are purchased unnecessarily or in excess. The primary supplies we’re helping these farms and communities obtain are flashlights, helmets, bulletproof vests, drones, and other necessary needs for these under-equipped communities.
Since arriving in Israel, the cowboys have been flooded with requests for interviews and appearances. When asked in an interview with The Israel Guys what it's like to have become an overnight sensation, Ezekiel Strain of Augusta, Montana said with a chuckle, “It's definitely not what I was expecting!"
Internet stardom aside, Strain continued about the group's very serious motivation in coming to Israel: “When we heard war broke out, we dropped everything and decided that's the important thing to do – to stand with Israel, to support Israel, to do anything we can to help out.”
The group is currently building a warehouse to store supplies acquired through Operation Ittai that will be distributed to the communities of Judea and Samaria.
When asked what his message to the nation of Israel is right now, cowboy Luke Hutslar from Huntsville, Arkansas declared, “Am Yisrael Chai ('The People of Israel live'). We support you 100%.”