All those sudden deaths? Let MSM tell you why they're happening

Sudden deaths are real and now they admit it

There aren't many people left denying that the number of those dying annually for the past three years has been above normal. Articles in prominent medical journals have long admitted the fact, and some even suggest reasons. 

The Lancet, in a recent article describing significant rates of excess cardiovascular deaths in particular, mainly in the 25-to-65 age group, suggested that the culprits “could include the direct effects of Covid-19 infection, acute pressures on [emergency services] resulting in poorer outcomes from episodes of acute illness, and disruption to chronic disease detection.” No mention was made of the Covid shots. 

The Lancet also noted that sudden deaths comprised a large part of the unexpected increase, writing that there were,

22% more deaths in private homes than expected compared with 10% more in hospitals, but there was no excess in deaths in care homes and 12% fewer deaths than expected in hospices. For deaths involving cardiovascular diseases the relative excess in private homes was higher than all causes at 27%. Deaths in hospital were 8% higher and deaths in care homes only 3% higher.


The mainstream media, ever eager to help out with its teams of investigative journalists sniffing out the truth, has obliged with some other possible explanations for all these sudden, unexpected, and tragic deaths.


So you thought it was COVID? No, it was just a common cold

The Sun 

CHILLING FIND: Common cold can trigger a killer blood clot disorder, scientists discover for the first time.

… scientists at the University of North Carolina have found a link between a life-threatening blood clotting disorder and an adenovirus infection.


Live near an airport? Tough luck

The Scientist

How Environmental Noise Harms the Cardiovascular System

… evidence is now accumulating to demonstrate that noise pollution is resulting in endothelial dysfunction, ultimately leading to high blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke

But if you learn to chill and not get too stressed about all the noise, you might survive it:

it's not the noise itself that's a problem, but one's emotional reaction to it … after five years of exposure to transportation noise such as that caused by road and aircraft traffic, higher activity in the amygdala … is linked with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and death…


We've been warning you for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day


Heart attack: Does skipping breakfast increase your risk?

People who skip breakfast have a 32 percent higher chance of dying from all causes, according to a study … Heart attacks are especially common among people who routinely ignore the meal…


They told you to cut out the sugar. Now look what's happened…

North Wales Chronicle

Artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks could increase risk of heart attack - research

The study found people who consume 78mg of artificial sweeteners a day, fond in just half a can of diet fizzy drinks, are up to ten times more likely to suffer a heart attack and five times more likely to suffer a stroke.


If only you had listened to Mozart instead


Two music genres linked to ‘potentially dangerous’ heart arrhythmias

… researchers found that the “greatest benefit on health” was visible with classical and meditation music. Heavy metal music and techno, on the other hand … were a “possible danger and can lead to stress and/or life-threatening arrhythmias


Keep listening to Mozart while the snow falls; just let it pile up

The Washington Post

Snow shoveling can be dangerous. It can place stress on the heart and has been associated with increased cardiovascular events, particularly after heavy snowfalls, research shows…

The American Heart Association agrees:

Snow shoveling causes excessive demands on the heart while simultaneously compromising blood flow with the cold, which leads to heart attacks and sudden death … In my opinion, it's the single most dangerous activity people can do.


And when the snow melts, just let it flow away and try to stay calm


… a study led by Monash University scientists in Australia has found that people impacted by a flooding event are at significantly increased risk of dying - including heart and lung problems … even after the flooding has dissipated


All those microplastics that just got washed up? They're going to kill you too

The Conversation

A new study has uncovered a correlation between microplastics and heart health … people who had detectable microplastics and nanoplastics in the plaque in their arteries had a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and death…


What can you do to improve heart health? Not intermittent fasting, that's for sure


Research … [suggests] that eating within an eight-hour window or less was significantly associated with a 91% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, when compared with eating over a 12- or 16-hour period…


But basically, it's just a big mystery

No explanations were provided as to why skipping breakfast, shoveling snow, listening to heavy metal, or any of the other mentioned activities are leading to death more often now than before 2020.

New Scientist

“The data suggest that it is very likely that something substantial is happening,” says Michael Murphy at the London School of Economics.

So, researchers are scrambling to figure out what is going on … yet determining what is driving the jump in deaths will be no easy matter…

There are thousands more deaths than usual and we don't know why… [All emphases added.]