Again: Swalwell mocked for anecdotal claims

A recent report by America’s Frontline News shared the internet’s response to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) after the congressman tweeted a vignette following the mass shooting in Buffalo, NY: 

“My 4-year-old just FaceTimed to ask what I’m doing to ‘help the people in Buffalo’ and ‘why did the bad man do this?’ Absolutely gutting. This cannot be his normal. It’s time to BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS. #EndGunViolence,” Swalwell tweeted. 

Internet users ruthlessly mocked the congressman, accusing him of inventing the story to score exposure. 

Swalwell is most famous for flatulating abundantly during a live MSNBC interview (which led to the hashtag #FartGate and even some merchandise) and being romantically entangled with a Chinese spy.  

The Chinese Communist Party operative, named Christine Fang or Fang Fang, bedded Swalwell while he was a councilman and helped him get re-elected to his current post through fundraising. 

On Thursday, Swalwell again tweeted an anecdote involving a child, though this time it centered on Trump voters: 

“Today I gave a tour in the Capitol and was stopped by a father with his young boy. The father yelled at me ‘Hey Swalwell’ and then told his son, ‘that’s Swalwell. He’s trouble. He doesn’t back Trump.’ I kept walking and felt sad for the boy. He’s being raised in a cult family.’ 

The internet’s reaction was swift as it was brutal. 

“No way that happened. Because we all know good Trump supporting fathers would say, ;’that’s the Democrat who had sex with a Chinese spy,’” replied Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). 

“It’s pretty incredible that you keep experiencing these amazing stories where children say the perfect things around you,” wrote popular account Libs of TikTok. 

“For everyone questioning this story, it’s true. I was there. I’m the boy,” responded famed Chef Andrew Gruel. 

“Narrator: ‘But even as Swalwell uttered these words few constituents actually believed him and declining viewers of his January 6th show bore that out.’” 

“Then swallwell heard the dad say ‘That swallwell once slept with a Chinese spy. AND farted on camera. AND his dog raised more campaign money than he did.’ The young boy laughed and his father laughed and they high fived. What a great father's day.” 

“And then ANOTHER kid walked by with his dad right after that and said ‘Father, why is MAGA such a threat to democracy?’ The dad responded ‘Because they don’t listen to wonderful reps like Eric Swalwell’. Dude, you’re just the worst.” 

"You have the most amazing stories where people always say and do the most perfect things. Thank you for sharing.” 

“And then you sh*t your pants,” tweeted author and comedian Tim Young. 

“Probably more like the father looked at you and had no idea who you were. You introduced yourself and the father walked away, unimpressed.” 

“No way that happened… if you said the father yelled “that’s Swalwell, he farted on tv”, that would definitely be believable.” 

“Amazing story Mr FangFang! My 4 year old just came running into the room, tears streaming down zirs face, zhe looked me directly into my eyeballs & asked ‘Why did Mr Swalwell blame xis live television fart on a coffee mug?’ I told zhe, ‘Son Mr Swalwell is full of sh*t’ We cried.”