Actress who blamed COVID on Republicans, unvaccinated, reports stroke

Actress Pauley Perrette opened up to fans this month that she had suffered a stroke in September 2021 and is grateful to be alive. 

It’s 9/2,” the former NCIS star tweeted. “One year ago I had a massive stoke. Before that I lost so many beloved family and friends, And daddy. And then Cousin Wayne. Yet still a survivor after this traumatic life I’ve been given so far…And still so grateful, Still so full of faith, And STILL HERE!” 

The tweet accompanied a video message from the actress sharing that she had a stroke, though she did not go into detail. Wearing rainbow-colored hair, Perrette also said she’s “been through a lot the last two years.” She added that she is a domestic violence and rape survivor, was assaulted by a homeless person and “almost died,” and had an allergic reaction to hair dye. 

In May 2021, Perrette proudly posted that she received her first shot and used the opportunity to tell her fans that she had waited to make sure the less fortunate received their shots first. 

“Got Vaccinated!” she wrote above a photo of her in a rainbow mask and rainbow Band-Aid on her arm. “I was waiting until there was a surplus because I can stay home. One down!!! #COVID19Vaccine #CovidVaccine #vaxed #vaccinated #Moderna #ForMyDaddy.” 

Perrette says that her father died from COVID-19. Throughout 2021, her tweets concerning the injections became more hysterical, blaming Republicans for her father’s death by not wanting to mandate injections. 

“I WANT MORE #covid #VACCINE I’m vaxed, but watched daddy die to this cruel thief,” she wrote in June 2021. “Why IS #GOP killing their OWN PARTY? Daddy was a BIG GOP. He’s DEAD! GOP LEADERS ARE ALL #vaxed!!! You’re their pawns. They’re KILLING YOU! Think! PLEASE GET #VAXED or this is all you’ll have left,” she wrote above photos of her father on a ventilator. 

“Don’t believe in #CovidVaccine #COVIDー19 #Vaccines VISIT MY DADDYS grave!!!” Perrette tweeted in August 2021. “A #republican who begged me to TELL YOU THAT THIS IS REAL from his deathbed! We are imprisoned by YOU NOT GETTING #VaxxedAndMasked #vaccinated YOURE THE PROBLEM! SCARED OF A little SHOT! #CovidIsNotOver.” 

By September, the month she had the stroke, Perrette had begun to view even basic life events in the context of vaccination. 

“So happy to be back in the sanctuary at church today with my fully vaccinated congregation!” she wrote on September 17, 2021. 

The NCIS alum also celebrated being with “vaccinated” friends: 

“The awesome of #vaccinated friends to hug and kiss on my patio!!!! #Vaxed #Vax,” she tweeted in June 2021.