Actress commits assisted suicide to relieve COVID-19 vaccine injury

Slovakian actress Katarina Pavelek this week died by assisted suicide after contracting a debilitating injury from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pavelek, who appeared in The Mindy Project, Fox Sports Live and the star-studded film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, received her third COVID-19 injection last year. She was later diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), an incurable neurological condition characterized by overwhelming fatigue that does not improve with rest.

Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome are all listed by Pfizer as possible side effects of their COVID-19 injections. 

Last month, Pavelek informed her followers on Instagram that she would be ending her life to escape the suffering.

“Hi guys, over last 10 days I became severely ill again homebound unable to do much. My body is too weak to fight this illness and I have no more strength so I made decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland. I was diagnosed with untreatable chronic neurological illness,” Pavelek wrote on June 1st.

“ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS. This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over last year,” the actress and model added.

She concluded: “The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”

Pavalek’s vaccine-induced suffering and feeling of helplessness was shared by other actors who were subjected to Hollywood’s vaccine mandate.

Actor and bodybuilder Barry Duffield, who starred in the hit series Spartacus, said in an April interview it would “be easier to just die” than continue suffering through his vaccine injury, which includes constant, severe tremors.

“I don’t see any fear in death. I think maybe if I got hit by a bus tomorrow it would be an end to the pain,” Duffield told Gunn through tears.