Activists in Times Square beg parents not to inject children

A group of human rights activists confronted parents entering a Times Square vaccination site recently to inject their children with the COVID-19 shot. 

Last month, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the COVID-19 injections for children down to 6 months of age after Pfizer altered data to portray 80% efficacy

“Please don’t be coming in here,” one female activist begged a couple emerging from an SUV with a masked nanny, a boy of about three years of age, and an infant. 

“As a doctor, I highly recommend against this procedure,” said another activist. 

“Don’t do it guys,” pleaded another. “Guys, I’m begging you not to vaccinate your kids. It’s been two years. They’re not sick. They’re doing good. Please just do some research – “ 

“Please leave us alone,” said the mother. 

“It’s been two years, you haven’t left any one of us alone,” replied the man. “Please. These are precious babies. They don’t have a choice. They don’t know any better, sweetheart. Please. All I’m asking you is to do the research, it takes five minutes.” 

“There’s no reversal!” says another. 

“Once it’s done, it can’t be reversed. I will pay you to do the research. You could come back tomorrow. I’m asking you nicely to do the research, these are precious babies.” 

“They’re going to get blood clots!” 

The activists continued to beg the parents not to inject their child as they walked through the doors. 

Physicians have been warning against the shot for small children, including the World Council of Health’s Dr. Kat Lindley who last month warned the FDA about children getting hyper-immunity from the injections. 

Dr. Lindley made the comments at the FDA’s June 15 Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting, citing data from the CDC showing that about 75.2% of children have already contracted COVID-19. She also mentioned that over 150 studies show natural immunity is superior to the vaccine and that the infection fatality rate for children under 5 years old is 0.1 in 100,000 — or one in a million. 

Given that most children are naturally immune, tampering with that will lead to hyper-immunity – something even Pfizer and Moderna understood.  

“The risk of the shot in the already-immune is higher than one in a million,” stated Dr. Lindley. “Both Pfizer and Moderna expressly eliminated those that were naturally immune from their studies. They did this to avoid the hyperimmune response and possible death.”  

A vote for child vaccines, warned Dr. Lindley, is a vote for child deaths.  

“Vaccinating the already-immune puts them at serious risk for a hyperimmune response,” she continued. “That means you will be voting for some children to have a severe adverse reaction and possibly death if you vaccinate the already immune. This is bad medicine. There is zero reward, only risk.”  

The Texas physician went on to focus on the adverse reactions the vaccines caused in children, which she asserted “are not medically necessary or clinically indicated.”  

“VAERS show children aged birth to 18 who have been vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines have had severe life-threatening adverse reactions, such as myocarditis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, seizures and more severe adverse reactions or death.” 

“We have no long-term safety data in any of these studies,” she added. “The risks clearly outweigh the benefits. The VAERS reports 28,312 deaths so far in all age groups.  When will we say this is enough?” she challenged. 

“What is the magic number that will make a cut off and stop pushing these vaccines? Is it 50,000, 100,000, a million? When do we say we cannot give these to our children? Their recovery rate is over 99.9985%!”  

“These are healthy children. And the risk does outweigh the benefits,” she concluded. “These vaccines are not medically necessary or clinically indicated.”