A Tale of Two Global COVID Summits: Physicians and scientists vs politicians

Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment. The most recent Global COVID Summit event was a symposium of over 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from around the world held on May 11. At the symposium, these scientists declared “that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.”
The group has produced a document declaring its position on such things as “. . . healthy children shall not be subject to forced vaccination,” people who have recovered from COVID shall not be subject to any restrictions, and the like.
“The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity,” the Declaration further states.
The entire statement can be read here.
The Global COVID Summit is dedicated to disseminating the truth about COVID, the critical importance of early treatment and the wrongheadedness of current policies that include lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates.
Unrelated to the Global COVID Summit of physicians and medical scientists, a quite different summit was hosted by the United States and took place the day after the scientists’ summit. In a move obviously meant to obfuscate and confuse, the United States government took the same name for its summit. Unlike the global summit of physicians and scientists, this was a virtual gathering of heads of state and government, the head of the WHO, and other likeminded politicians. Their message was the exact opposite the scientists’ summit.
The agenda of the WHO and these politicians is to create a global technocracy that makes all decisions for us. The way the WHO will realize this goal is by creating a crisis whose only resolution involves stripping us of our liberties and handing them to a technocrat “expert” group.
It is therefore imperative that the crisis continue until the goal has been attained. Chief White House Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci made the mistake of declaring the pandemic to be over. “We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase.”
He was quickly corrected and backtracked the following day.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “It is misguided to think this pandemic is over. The pandemic is not over anywhere until it’s over everywhere.” Biden said, “This pandemic isn’t over.” The head of the European Commission said, “We cannot be complacent because the pandemic is not over.” Trudeau said, “It is not over.”
They are obviously reading from the same script.
Later this month the World Health Assembly will vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations. These amendments give the WHO the power to set policy in a pandemic that is binding on all its member nations.
The globalist agenda begins with surrendering sovereignty to the WHO and ends with global governance in which there is no freedom and total and complete surveillance of everyone. This is the agenda of the World Economic Forum. It is being played out before our very eyes.